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The terrain on the dark side of Kerbin appears too bright and oversaturated


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The terrain of Kerbin when in shadow appears much too bright when in flight (not on the map view). Eventually at a far enough distance from Kerbin the issue gets fixed, and the terrain appears normal, but returns when the vessel gets close again. The terrain on the light side seems to be fine, but that could be that the problem isn't very noticeable on the light side. I'll attach a screenshot later when I get the chance.

There also seems to be too much ambient light on the vessel, but I'm pretty sure that is a separate issue.

KSP Version: (Build ID: 10752762)

OS: Windows 10

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 (12) @ 3.600GHz

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT


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