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Can't grab ladder or board after planting a flag


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Windows 11 home (10.0.22000)
i7 12700, Nvidia 3080 12GB (studi driver 528.24)
No mods

After landing at Duna I stepped out to EVA and planted a flag. When I returned to the vessel the UI that tells you to press F and B appeared but I couldn't grab the ladder or board, I took the second kerbal to EVA but didn't let go of the capsule ladder, but still couldn't board.

Quickloading doesn't help. After restarting KSP 2 I can grab the ladder and board, that is until I plant the flag again and the problem returns. On the 3rd restart i can't recreate the problem.

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Had the same happen to me after a landing on Minmus. Planted flag and attempted to get back onto the lander. No grabbing ladder or boarding despite the notice to press F or B appearing. Saved the game, quit to Desktop, started the game and loaded the save-game. Then it would let me enter my glorious vessel.

Latest patch, No mods, Win10, R7 5700x, RTX4070ti, 48Gb RAM

Edited by Zylark
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