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Now what is this? A near collision with the bug destroyed ship that came before me, almost hit it 10x on the same launch!!!


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Previously on KSP2

I made a basic ship and it consistently got destroyed for no reason, i gave up after 3 failed attempts.



Then a few weeks later i try again with the same ship, this time the ship works fine but i end up seeing this same debrie field pass by me at the same distance almost 10x before getting into stable orbit.
We all know the probability of lightning hitting the same spot twice, its does not even remotely work that way with rockets, there is no way that a destroyed ship in sub-orbit can be almost collided with multiple times before reaching orbit.



Also after the flight i reverted to VAB and checked the tracking station.

Unless KSP2 has no concept of space debrie tracking (something that might prove fatal), apparently what i saw was a ghost.


Anyhow i am guessing that if i was to launch a larger rocket that it will most likely crash into this and be destroyed potentially causing more debrie and eventually making the game not playable at all.

Please fix before it's to late...

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Others have posted that the stuff from the main menu is appearing during their launch but I have only seen one other report than this one that it was actually crashing into stuff.  I can add to that now because a day or two ago I noticed the creepy kerbal hanging out around my rocket at launch and then respawning near it again and again and it appears he did crash into my ship and destroy stuff.

The mystery parts destruction of vehicles is partly due to the "ghost kerbals" actually crashing into your ship as you fly.  *More X-files Music*.

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This was creepy when I read it and even more creepy when it appeared in my game. To make matters worse, I just identified him as Tim C!


Although judging by your picture, it's not always the same kerbal. I will note that once he has appeared in game, he seems to stick around. He followed me to the launchpad and all the way up into orbit, and he was there every time I switched vessels.


Under 20km altitude, he doesn't appear to experience gravity. Above 20km, he accelerates up away from the planet. After a certain distance he respawns next to me, which suggests he is stuck inside the physx bubble. And if I time warp, he adopts a quantum super-position.

He stopped haunting me when I restarted the game. More threads here:

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