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Everything posted by TomKerbal

  1. You can try my Mars Mission for the RP-1 mod here : https://kerbalx.com/TomKerbal/MM2035v66 It took me about 1000 hours to create it.
  2. I finally finished the RP-1 Mars mission; I call it “AMADEUS” . Saved for eternity (hopefully) here: https://kerbalx.com/TomKerbal/MM2035v66
  3. What is this all about? I just asked a simple question to a community manager. No need to insult me. Bye, have a good time! Tom.
  4. Start it from CKAN. Please no code changes in KSP1 !!! No new gifts on Mun or anything like that. My KSP1 with RP-1 has finally been running stable for months now.
  5. Fueling AMADEUS Earth Drive (Mars mission ship for RP-1)
  6. Fueling the Earth Drive in Earth orbit now(first of 3 tankers). AMADEUS (2nd Mars mission, version 65) is the name of mission & ship. Something with Mars and Destiny... I have to figure out yet.... Mission start is planed for 4.7.1988 (1988-07-04). Now it is 1987-01-18 . A test crew has already entered the ship and made some tests (mission training for AdvApollo & Gemini-L is required for that, I found out :-D; good to know for the final crew).
  7. I have another example: GalCiv II! They didn't use DRM and were rewarded for it. Don't always give up straight away.
  8. Well, it's probably not quite that hopeless. Trillions of mosquitoes can also make an aircraft carrier inoperable. Just think of Sony and DRM!
  9. Yes, Real Solar System . And 77 other mods... Before RP-1 I tried many other mods, made my own tiny minimods (well, cheated, to be honest, like infinitive number of ignitions and so on), and after about 1000h of playing there was a mod update on CKAN and everything crashed... after hours of research I found out that the landing legs caused this crash. [snip] So I decided to switch to RP-1 and build myself a stable mod environment. Being as realistic as possible is what I find most interesting anyway. I haven't done any mod updates for a few months and won't until my Mars mission is complete. I have a lot of mods that you have as well. What I miss a bit is this Kerbol Attachment System mod, which is a lot of fun, but which is not part of the RP-1 mod family. Have fun! Tom
  10. My missions goal is Mars, and I use the RP-1 mod, so their is no regular fuel and no ion engines for that masses but only historical accurate stuff. In the initial phase of development, I tried out several types of fuel and engines for the Mars spaceship (the front part of the hole rocket, I call it "mother ship"). First hydrogen, then discarded because it is too volatile and takes up too much space (the ship has to be very compact for the Airo-Brake, center of gravity very far forward behind the shield). Then methane (famous Raptor of course). That's better. But Fluor was the best. The development of these engines was unfortunately completed in the 90s (?), as fluorine is extremely toxic and expensive. But by far the best solution I have found for the front part of the rocket. I call the front part the “mother ship”, the large rear part the “Earth drive” with hydrogen, which performs the initial maneuver to Mars (TMI?) and also flies to Mars and is then decoupled there.
  11. This is the current version 64 (with the stabilisation torus ring for the Mars airobraking maneuver - that was my mission breakthtrough btw. - after zillions of spectacularly lost ships before)
  12. I'll be posting this on Kerbal X soon. I have to learn anyway, I've never done it there before. So, this is a single mission in which I have attached great importance to high realism (as far as I can judge, and with KSP is also realistically realizable...). The ideas are essentially: Assembling and fueling the mission ship in Earth orbit using a reasonably realistic launch vehicle (6600t, 5 times starting with ship and tankers), 2.5 year mission for optimally low delta-v, sufficient resources and recyclers, a highly risky airo-braking maneuver on Mars, landing a small habitat on Mars (mothership stays in orbit), stay on Mars for 7 weeks, then return to mothership, wait another 8 months, then back to Earth.... really tough mission for 2 astronauts. But doable... maybe. This is a very early version. Ready to go ship in Earth orbit. Using only RP-1 mod (+required additional mods).
  13. Great! I wish I could use this for my Mars mission (with Gemini capsule). Here is version 64 ready now. About 1000h of work for my whole Mars mission until today. But well worth the effort. KSP1 + RP-1 mod (+ required additional mods) ONLY
  14. Whow great. A good deed every day. I've been trying in vain to become a vegetarian for years.
  15. Yes. I think so. No way around to avoid it, I remember. Btw: Who needs KSP2 ? : Mars Lander of my current version 63, about 1000 hours of work for the hole mission now...)
  16. You mean besides the super slow-motion development, the completely overblown, wickedly expensive trailers that do Hollywood proud, the many deleted posts here in the forum and the subterranean support on Steam? Maybe the price of the unfinished product, or maybe the fact that the developers were all recently fired, even though you still think they're developing the game further. The good thing is that KSP1 is now back in focus and the mods are being worked on again (especially my beloved RP-1 mod).
  17. I needed it at the beginning to get ahead, I remember, because I didn't really want to do it. But then Mach 2 airplane was fun, it wasn't easy.
  18. O.K., I changed my mind (perhaps) and now using ordinary habitat on head of lander.... well, Mars ship becomes a little bit longer, which is generally a problem for the extremely crucial Aero Braking maneuver. But Tests with Lander are nearly beautiful:
  19. Maybe the Kerbals will finally get noses in the next attempt, that would be an improvement.
  20. @pap1723 First: Thank you for that great mod I am really loving ! I have a question: I think in your mod you did activate the IKU-03 Kerbal Safety Bubble but not the IKU-02 Kerbal Safety Bubble from "Ven's New Parts" mod. Perhaps your (awesome) work is not finished or you think the "SmallSoftHab" it is not realisitc enough ? I am currently working on a manned Mars mission (for some hundreds hours now, developing and testing over and over again, it's simply great ). Current mission plan is staying on Mars for 3-4 weeks. I think it is problematic to live in that very small Gemini capsule (which I used for the Lander... and for the mission ship, but first things first) during that time. So I am thinking about an adequate living space for the time being on Mars. Payload masses are or course very critical, but perhaps the 500kg of the IKU-02 Kerbal Safety BubbleIKU-02 could work, we'll see. (When finishing my work some day, I will publish it on Kerbal-X). Sorry for my bad English. Have a great time ! Tom
  21. I've been playing KSP1 - RP-1 for months now, come back to the forum to see what's going on, wonder why the moderators suddenly let everything pass (really, they did all that work for free for years, and paid for the forum server and all that? Hats off gentlemen!) and everyone says that KSP2 is dead... I think I missed something... :-D or maybe not... has something happened ?
  22. And now, after the latest developments at KSP2, this becomes even more valuable !
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