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Hi there! Not really too sure what to put in this message but I'll try my best...

I think I first got KSP back in 2013, got over 2,000 hours in the game at this point (though I'd say I only really started getting good at the game like 3 years ago or so). Haven't played much KSP 2 yet, mostly just waiting for it to get more updates/bug fixes - looking forward to playing the game more in the future though!

Hobbies include digital art, creative writing, and 3D modelling. Always had a big interest in space/rocket science as well (I think KSP is to blame for this lol).

Recently thought it'd be fun to try learning how to make KSP part mods, so I'm currently in the process of trying that. Idk when it'll be finished, I have side-projects not related to KSP to focus on as well.

Anyhow, excited to be more active on this site and maybe meet new people and help people out etc etc :)

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