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[1.2.0] Physics bug involving the kraken


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Multipayload craft, 3 payload small satellites to build a constellation around the Mun

1. Decouple sat 1

2. Switch to vessel to correct orbit.

3. Switch to transport craft. (Transport craft is stuck, unable to be moved on x and y axis. Wiggles back and forth as if attached to something)

4. Decouple sat 2 and 3 (piece of sat 3 falls off, camera gets stuck in place and transport craft starts spinning violently endlessly accelerating)

5. Switch to other 2 sats (camera is still pinned)

6. Restart game. (Camera works, physics bug still persists)

EDIT: Reload spin was so great it just took 10 mins to slow down
EDIT 2: Camera on Sat 2 and 3 not functioning properly, it is not centered on the sat

Edited by Fugglypuff
correction 2
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