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Cant Exit VAB after failed launch


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I have attempted to build an S.S.T.O. After completion I save and launch. After one attempt at a launch i get off the ground and explode (this is horizontal take off from a run way). So I revert to the VAB and ever since, I have not been able to launch due to structural linkage failure from fuel tanks to wings.  I No longer load into the runway, I just get this crash report and  then i can no longer leave the VAB. I can go to training or tracking station but the VAB is always in the background with the plane i am building and if i save and go to menu and try to reload my game it will freeze on load. I have to quit the game every time i attempt to launch my plane to try to fix or change anything. It doesnt matter what I do, I cant get my plane to load on the runway because it crashes before it loads and then i have to quit the game to be able to make changes and try again. 

Intel 12th gen I7 12 core 3.5Ghz unlocked

Corsair Dominator 64Ghz DDRAM 4th gen 5200Mhz

Radeon Sapphire XT6700 12GB DDRAM 

TUF Gaming Mother Board

Corsair H110i Liquid cooled

PCIE SSD 7000MB read 6850 write NVME

Dual Samsung 27" curved 1080 monitors as a single 4K ultra wide (KSP 2 runs 1080 centered with black bars on each side)

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