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Flight & Map: Weird Electric Charge Drain During Time Warp Triggered by Decoupling


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I built a craft to try to accelerate to very high velocities using the dawn engine.

I'm powering the craft with the KR4-P3 reactor.

There is only 1 dawn engine draining electric charge.

With nothing running I can time warp at any factor and EC remains full if it was already full.

While running the single dawn engine the EC drops a bit and holds at a level just below full.  I have a Mk1 pod, it's EC drops from 50 to 49.99 and holds there.  The KR4-P3's EC drops from 500 to 499.82 and holds there as well.

When I increase the time warp factor the EC drops to a lower level at each factor.

0001x = 49.98, 499.82

0002x = 49.96, 499.64

0004x = 49.93, 499.27

0010x = 49.82, 498.18

0050x = 49.09, 490.91

0100x = 48.18, 481.81

1000x = 31.81, 318.12

Anything higher and the EC drains to 0

This can't be right.

Decoupling seems to cause the behavior to start.  Decoupling again stops it.

Edited by Anth12
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