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Vessels completely Disappear


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Decided that as a first time KSP 2 user to build a space station. Had launched the hub into orbit and was getting the hab unit up for my first rendvous

I of course had to do something else so I saved my progress so far, however a very bad bug began to present itself

First in the loading screen, it will take about 10 - 20 secs for it to get through everything else, but then grinds to a complete stop at the "Create Vessel" part

Next after 10 - 15 mins of loading, I load up to see nothing. Both my hub and hab units are gone. They still "exist" in terms there is a vessel that you can go to but there is no module, engines, parts, etc.

I already did contact the devs, who said to reinstall the game but without using cloud saves, which I can't do because I can't turn off cloud saves because the option doesn't appear for me in properties

So I'm putting my bug here in hopes that the devs can fix it up for patch 3 and I can continue build my first space station.

Edited by Anth12
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