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Trip Planner Delta V not working correctly. Report #50221

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In this screenshot - Fuel lines were added.




In this shot the Fuel lines were removed.   And before you ask - Right side Rocket fed into the Front Rocket which then fed into the Center Rocket.   The Left Rocket fed into the Rear Rocket which then fed into the Center rocket.  Thus depleting the two side rockets first so as to be jettisoned followed by the the front and rear depleting keeping the Center rocket fully fueled when they are jettisoned.

Once I removed one of the Solid Boosters and reinstalled it (a pair) DV's were a GO for a round trip to the Mun.  This happened multiple times... Thus why I have such a strange rocket configuration, because I could never tell if the DV was correct or not for the mission I was planning.



Edited by Xtra
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