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Right clicking to move camera also opens part menu when movement is short.


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i7-8700 | GPU: Geforce 1070Ti | RAM16GB


While in flight view while using right click on the mouse to move the camera is it very easy to accidentally open the part menu.

If you hold down right click, move the camera a little and release right click while the cursor is hovering over a part it will often open that part menu, even if your mouse didn't originally start over top of  any parts when right click was depressed.

In order to replicate it you have to press down right click, move the camera, and release in less than a second (maybe 100to 500ms or so) to trigger the issue. If you hold down right click and take your time moving the camera around the issue does not trigger when right click is released.

I have never triggered the same issue in KSP1 while using the camera in the same way.


The same issue exists in the VAB as well when you use right click to move the camera there as well except it centers the camera on the part as though you had just right clicked on a part.


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Edited by Anth12
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