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Camera Incorrectly Centered after Decoupling (Physicless Part)


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2678 v3 @ 2.50 GHz | GPU: GTX 1080 | RAM11.98 GB


When using the attached craft, on igniting the second stage the camera no longer centers correctly on the remaining craft (2nd stage). The second stage disappears off the top of the screen.

Attached is the craft file. Inside is the save file too. The bug is repeatable:

  • Place the craft on the launch pad
  • Stage once to burn the first stage
  • Point straight up - no need for any steering to replicate the bug
  • Stage once to decouple once first stage complete
  • Stage once to ignite second stage

Two other bugs, possibly related, were noticed. On initial rollout to the launch pad, I got CommNet error messages. Secondly, on igniting the second stage, a toroidal fuel tank from my payload seems to disappear off the bottom of the screen.


Included Attachments:


Edited by Anth12
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I think there is a very good chance that this is related to Narwhalz bug here. The symptom where the objects connected directly to the tiny cube strut fall off is common. My theory goes that the fallen objects remain part of the ship, and so the camera centers on the combined CM of the now detached fuel tanks and the remainder of the ship. Perhaps they are still "attached" but the rigidity / springiness / some other value of the joint is zero allowing them to move?


Edited by KUAR
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The cube struts aren't like normal parts. Their physics is calculated in a different way to normal parts. I am pretty sure that's where the problem lies.

I removed the small cubic parts from the craft you supplied, and the craft acted normally.

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Good catch Anth! By the time I finished the bug report it was nearly 11pm local time so I didn't test that...I only found Narwhalz bug report this morning.

I agree that's the most likely culprit. Curious that their physics is different - is there any documentation around that?

A shame - I like the tiny cubic, it's a really useful part for small/lightweight satellites!

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5 minutes ago, KUAR said:

I agree that's the most likely culprit. Curious that their physics is different - is there any documentation around that?

Physicsless part - Kerbal Space Program Wiki 
This is from KSP1 but I assume they act similar to each other.

Added Physicless Part to your Title. The other bug report is related but not specifically reporting the same issue.

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