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The colour picker goes through the UI when choosing agency colours [Main Menu Campaign Creation]


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel I7 - 12700KF | GPU: RTX 4080 | RAM32gb

System Specs:



Severity: Low, you can still pick any colour and the colour picker works fine in the VAB so there's a workaround

Frequency: High, it happens every time I create a new save file

Description: When creating a new save file and choosing the agency colours the colour picker doesn't seem to work correctly, the white circle isn't under the mouse and can go under the UI at the bottom. The bug has been present since the first version of the game so it's not specific. I know it's more of a polishing thing than a bug, if I shouldn't have reported it I'm sorry.

Tell me if I reported everything correctly, I've been enjoying, Keep up the good work!

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Edited by Anth12
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