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Still unable to reach orbit, still explode, now with infinite thrust.


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 10 | CPU: i7-10700K 3.80GHz | GPU: 2060S | RAM64GB 3600MHz


I take flight, i reach space, i fly at 90 degree following horizon, then poof.
Also as i detach the final stage the pilot is no longer able to control the ship at all without me using keys (SAS dead), and i have to manually engage the thruster despite having a stage for it.
Once the ship goes poof, it just keeps on accelerating until the game crashes it suddenly, if the game had not destroyed/crashed the ship i would had left the solar system and reached Alpha Centauri for sure.

Anyhow as it stands it's a game breaking issue that does not seem to been fixed at all.

And as such i am still after MONTHS, unable to even reach a basic orbit, just fix it already....


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Edited by Anth12
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