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Landing legs shorten themselves in flight, jolting the whole vessel.


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Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i5-4670K | GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB | RAM16GB

Severity: Medium (no known workaround other than not using the part)
Frequency: Every time

Back in v0.1.2.0, I tried making the smallest possible rocket that could do a crewed Duna land-and-return mission. Upon its first test flight, I landed on Duna and things immediately went wrong, because my landings legs were too short. The craft sat on its engine bell and kept tilting/rolling uncontrollably. I was pretty sure I had aligned the landing legs correctly in the VAB, but apparently I must have made a mistake, and so I earmarked this craft for revisiting. But then I left the game be for a while, waiting for updates, and never got back to it.

Now in v0.1.3.1, I finally went to look for my mistake. Lo and behold: in the VAB, the LT-5 "Bandicoot" landing legs were correctly mounted after all, and extend well beyond the engine bell (see screenshot 1). I even took them off and reattached them to make sure there was no weird holdover bug from a previous version.

I then launched the thing into space, and extended the legs. At first, they faithfully extended to their full length (see screenshot 2). But just after reaching full extension, they suddenly jerked back into a much shorter state (see screenshot 3). At the same time, the whole craft got jolted out of alignment, until SAS brought it back. The craft file is attached.

Then I built a simple test rocket (also attached) and yeeted it into space - the same problem maifests there. It happens reliably every time I extend these landing legs.

(I did not test with other kinds of landing legs.)


Potentially related to this bug report, but I'm intentionally creating a separate one because I am not sure. Landing gear in both cases, but the parts are different, the phenomenon is somewhat different, and it's planes versus rockets (which, as seen in the inline drag bug, can make a big difference!).


Included Attachments:

...Welp, the attachments didn't attach correctly - guess I should have zipped them up right away, but it did allow me to add multiple files in the form so it looked like it would work...

Either way, here's a zipped archive on my dropbox.


Edited by Anth12
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