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Gemini Launch Vehicle


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A simple Gemini Launch Vehicle to take your Space Program to the next step!

Warning! This rocket requires the KW Challenger pack, HSTW Gemini Pack, NovaPunch,and the Mech Jeb radial case.

UPDATEZZZ I have now downloaded the NovaPunch and updated the rocket accordingly. It is now a VERY close representation of the real Titan-II rocket.


Side notes: The LV itself will only get you halfway to Orbit, the pod will have to do the rest, unless you conserve fuel. The Mech Jeb is on the LV stage, so Munar transfer/orbital operations will be done by hand. IMPORTANT: Do NOT activate parachute until BELOW 12,000m or it will not open!

EDIT: I have now made the rocket a 2 stage rocket so its now an accurate representation of the Titan II rocket, which was the LV for the Gemini missions.

Edited by 0jam3290
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Yes, unfortunally, the Gemini model that Tosh made doesnt have IVA, EVA, or even the crew portraits. I was just trying to make a nice rocket to get the Gemini capsule to orbit that looked like the Gemini rocket. I will do more research tomorrow when I get home and ill update it then, however I am working on getting my current Ares project "off the ground" and to a working model.

Edited by 0jam3290
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