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New to Forums not so much KSP


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i'm new to the Forums not so much the game, i've been using it for awhile

and doing my own math etc to figure out the orbits and everything the new planets threw me off when i had to try and use my formula to get to those. haha. thus far i've only made it to Duna! exciting for me :) my friend and i been spending A LOT of time on here, we've even created sub forum on our site for KSP related topics sharing ideas screenshots and formula's among the group of us whom play :)

in our community there is about 3 of us playing, and we're working on getting more to play :)

thanks for this amazingly awesome game! can't wait to see the next release.

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Welcome to the forums, Starn.

Well Done landing on Duna, I haven't managed it yet.

Is there any chance I could join this community of yours or is it private?

Have a good look around the forums, you will find interesting things here and there.

Have fun playing KSP and go blow up some rockets! :sticktongue:

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