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The Poodle and Labradoodle Engine can be Displaced on Loading When vsync is on


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Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM32GB

My assumption is that this is something to do with the Poodle and the Labradoodle being different to engines with one bell, but I don't know that for certain if that is accurate or not with the limited part testing I did.

Didn't happen for the following parts I tested:

  • Swivel
  • Skipper (Save File at the bottom for testing)

Screenshot with Vsync Off:





Screenshot with Vsync On:





Steps to Replicate:

  1. Turn off vsync
  2. Load the one of the following: MunDisplacementTestSave.json DunaDisplacementTestSave.json TyloDisplacementTestSave.json (poodle) LabradoodleDunaOrbitTestSave.json (Labradoodle)
  3. Turn on vsync
  4. F5
  5. F9 until it happens.

Save File with Skipper with the displacement not happening:

Additional Information:

  • I only tested the Swivel, Skipper, Poodle and Labradoodle for this bug report
  • Mun Testing shows different displacement of the poodle compared to Duna/Tylo
  • Duna and Tylo have similar displacement


Edited by Anth12
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