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Can i get to Laythe with 3.7km/s DV from Mun surface?


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I initially I built this base/gas station for Duna however I found out its impractical because I Didn't need to go to the base (with my ship I had 2,000m/s DV at LKO which is enough for Duna if I aerobrake), SO I was wondering where can I go with 3,700m/s DV from Mun surface

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Very comfortable but it require an tricks. Finding then to launch from the Mun to get to Duna is hard.
Here is how I do it, set up the trajectory on something like an satelite or space station in low kerbin orbit, I tended to use an dedicated targeting satellite in LKO
Get into low orbit around the mun. Do an burn who put your Pe at the node for the target satellite Duna burn node. Do so at 3-5 days before the launch time. 
Adjust inclination to the burn far from Kerbin.
At Pe do an burn who raises you Ap so your orbital period matches up with the launch window, doing this to early and you risk that the Mun comes and disturb your plan. 
Do your burn, it will be much smaller than the 1080 m/s as you are already in an highly elliptic orbit, you saved the 860 m/s from exiting the Mun. 
As the burn is shorter its also much more accurate. 

Pro tips, put an refueling station in Mun orbit so you can top up your tanks :) With that you start with 3700 m/s from Mun orbit, looses 310 m/s but saves 860 m/s. 
I tended to do this from Minmus the the Mun is much easier. 
Only place you can not reach is Moho, and landing on Tylo obvious but you can reach Pol for mining. 

This should be moved to KPS section I think even if about orbital mechanics. 

Edited by magnemoe
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