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I was stranded at the ER last night (long story) and figured I'd finally look into this whole KSP thing. Saw some of the Youtube videos (Munitar?) and thought it looked cool.

Anyway, got home, bought the sim (game?) and ran into my first issue: the controller. I'm using a Logitech 710 wireless controller. It has four "shoulder" buttons. Two of these are regular on/off switches. Two operate as one half of the "Z" axis. In the Windows USB Game Controller, mashing one button moves Z to the left; the other to the right. I mapped this, in-game, to the yaw axis.

Problem is that the ball will only move in one direction.

Any ideas?

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Hi xptical, welcome to the community :)

I have not used that controller before so don't know if it has any specific issues, but I would not be surprised if rawinput, which Unity games use, cannot handle something so complex.

Hopefully someone else here has one of these and can help you.

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Keyboards are mostly fine. But my setup is a Media Center PC/gaming machine. So sitting on the couch with a controller is usually more comfortable.

Anyway, as it stands now, I have yaw mapped to the left thumbstick.

Oh, can you guys point me to a simple tutorial for building and staging a rocket? I made a two-stage rocket (solid first then liquid) but I don't know how to trigger stages off each other. Like, when solid fuel runs out, I want to trigger the decouplers and, maybe, fire the next stage automatically.

I got to about 11KM before I gave up on firing the liquid rocket. I clicked the engine and hit space (and throttle up/down) but it didn't seem to work. Maybe something about fuel pipes? Hmm...

Also, a better description of the components would be awesome. I can flub my way through it, but it would be nice to know why I'm selecting X vice Y.

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I'm kinda doing my own thing. I'm just figuring out things from scratch using a bit of inspiration from others. I have:


1 crew module



stability module

liquid fuel X 3

vectored thrust module


Then, from the third fuel module I have 2 detachers and 2 SRBs.


From the SRBs I have two supporting gantries.

The whole thing looks like a letter "A". I hope that makes sense.

I click on the SRBs, hit <space> and I'm away. As those burn out, I click the detachers. The SRBs go away and I click the gimbal engine and hit <space> (and throttle up) but they won't start.

Like I said, I passed 11KM and then triggered the third detachment ring and parachuted to relative safety. I just don't know why the llast engine didn't start.

I thought I saw in the Munitar video that you can trigger an event based on the previous stage automagically. Like when the SRBs are empyt, I can detach them without having to do it manually.

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