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Kerbals Exit Craft Upside Down on EVA [For Multiple Pods]

Casellina X

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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 22621) | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090 | RAM64GB

Severity: Low

Frequency: (high/med/low).  High.

Description:  In the Mk1 "Tin Can", going EVA with Kerbals in space results in the Kerbal exiting the pod upside down far. This happens far more frequently than them exiting in the correct orientation. Appears to happen when in stable orbit around Kerbin - EVA prior to stable orbit yields expected results. Have not checked using other crew modules.

Edited by Anth12
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9 hours ago, Casellina X said:

I did a few minutes more of extra checking and saw the same behavior on the other SM crew pod, and the Mk1-3 pod as well - the proper names escape me. I don't know if you want to change the tread title to be more representative @Anth12, or if this is good enough to run with.

Changed it to [For Multiple Pods]
Thanks for the update.

Edited by Anth12
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