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Single port undocking from Space Station seperates all vessels (three) but results in only two controllable space ships [shielded docking ports appear to be the main problem]


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win10 | CPU: i3-8350K | GPU: GTX1060 (6GB) | RAM16GB (DDR4)



  • Space station at Kerbin orbit consisting of the default station core part and 2 docked vessels to the central 4 hatch docking port via clamp-o-tron
  • both vessels should be able to undock seperately

first part of the bug: when I click 'undock' via parts manager, all docking ports are triggered, so both vessels are released, although only one would be expected to undock.

second part of the bug: after unintentionally undocking both vessels, only one is identified as a seperate vessel. The other two, also seperated vessels, are 'controlled as one' (navball, RCS+CRS). Both are listed in tracking station as one 'combined' vessel.

With the described behaviour, a space station in-orbit-assembly seems to be unpossible!

I am grateful for any hints or support...

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Edited by Anth12
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27 minutes ago, Haflado said:

I will provide a safe file tomorrow. Never did that before. Any tips or guidelines for uploading that? 

To make it easier can you do the following?:

  1. Submit another bug report with my name in the title
  2. Add a link to this bug report
  3. Add the save file

You don't need to do the entire bug report again. I will add the file directly to your original post.

Thanks for doing this, its appreciated :)

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On 9/15/2023 at 4:41 AM, Anth12 said:

@Haflado Added your save files. Thanks for supplying them

From the testing I have done, I recommend using only the standard docking ports.

The inline docking ports and the shielded docking ports have been more buggy than the original ones.


Thanks for your investigation. I'll consider this in my near future mission planning. Unfortunately KSP2 still shows too many bugs for a smooth larger mission game play. Hope to see strong improvement soon...

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