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Reverting to VAB Will Cause Kerbals in Command Chairs and Entire Cockpits to be Invisible on the Next Launch


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i9 9900K | GPU: 3070ti | RAM32GB

Screenshot of Missing Kerbals and Cockpits:





Screenshot of Mk1 "Tin Can" and Mk1-3 "Gumball' showing the same issue:



How to Replicate:

  1. Load CockpitsKerbalsMissingTestSave.json
  2. Note Cockpits/Kerbals in Command Chairs are visible
  3. Go to KSC Screen
  4. Go to VAB
  5. Launch Cockpit so its on the runway
  6. Change Crafts to confirm cockpits/Kerbals in Command Chairs are still there
  7. Revert to VAB
  8. Launch the cockpit again
  9. Change to Crafts/Kerbals

Cockpits and Kerbals in Command Chairs  are now missing.

Additional Information:
Reverting to VAB and then going KSC/tracking station, and then to the crafts will do the same thing.
Kerbals on EVA stay visible, its only if they are in command chairs, or are in a cockpit.

Work Around:
F5 F9

Video Evidence:
Video Starts at 26s where I show the following:

  1. I change to the crafts (to indicate they look ok currently) after launching a cockpit to the runway 
  2. I revert to VAB
  3. I launch the cockpit again and show the crafts looking like the screenshot



Edited by Anth12
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