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Semi-consistent game crash upon reverting to launch or VAB


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5500 | GPU: RTX 2060 | RAM40GB


I've recently been encountering a semi-consistent game crash whereas the game will crash upon reaching the "Applying legacy module data to vessel parts" part of the loading process after reverting to either launch or the VAB


Upon checking my logs, I've noticed that it's being continually spammed with errors like the two below.

  • [ERR 11:09:19.591] Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 0.000000, 1080.000000, 0.500000) (Camera rect 0 0 1920 1080)
  • [ERR 11:09:19.591] Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 1920.000000, 1080.000000, 0.500000) (Camera rect 0 0 1920 1080)

It should be noted that I am using the -popupwindow boot option in steam with a windowed video setting to get around the game's borderless video setting not being properly implemented yet, as I have two monitors, although I am unsure if that is playing any part in this (It's the only thing I can think of since this seems to have something to do with the window display).


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Edited by Anth12
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