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Parachutes Not Deploying [Nullref Spam in Log File]


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Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x | GPU: 3070 LHR (OC'd) | RAM64gb


Doing some funny things for keeping boredom down found a bug where parachutes will not deploy and only will from anth words "That is definitely broken. Good find. Its spamming Nullrefs."

So its spamming Null Refs,

Shouldn't be a case where a part is occluded (blocked)


How to reproduce it?

  1. Launch NewWorkspace.json from VAB
  2. Stage or get to a point where the craft should be able to deploy the parachutes
  3. Nothing happens
  4. Jeb is not in a optimal position.

Crash the plane, revert to hanger

log should have only two launches of bugs.

Additional Information:
Logfile has the following spamming:

[EXC 16:10:15.193] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KSP.VFX.ContextualFxSystem.GetFuelDataForPart (KSP.Sim.impl.PartBehavior part, KSP.VFX.FXPartContextData& partContextData) (at <0f37ec7481844df6b7afab13d81c547a>:0)
    KSP.VFX.FXContextualEvent..ctor (KSP.VFX.FXContextualEventParams eventParams, KSP.VFX.ContextualFxSystem system, KSP.VFX.FXPartContextData partData) (at <0f37ec7481844df6b7afab13d81c547a>:0)
    KSP.VFX.FXCollisionContextualEvent..ctor (KSP.VFX.FXContextualEventParams eventParams, KSP.VFX.ContextualFxSystem system, KSP.VFX.FXPartContextData partData) (at <0f37ec7481844df6b7afab13d81c547a>:0)
    KSP.VFX.FXPersistantSurfaceContactContextualEvent..ctor (KSP.VFX.ContextualFxSystem system, KSP.VFX.FXContextualEventParams eventParams, KSP.VFX.FXPartContextData partData, KSP.Sim.impl.VesselBehavior vessel, KSP.Sim.impl.PartBehavior part) (at <0f37ec7481844df6b7afab13d81c547a>:0)
    KSP.VFX.VesselSurfaceInteractionVFXManager.OnCollisionEnter (KSP.Sim.impl.PartBehavior part, UnityEngine.Vector3 contactPoint, UnityEngine.Collider hitCollider, System.Single relativeVelocity, System.Boolean wheel) (at <0f37ec7481844df6b7afab13d81c547a>:0)
    KSP.Sim.impl.PartBehavior.HandleCollisionEnterVFX (UnityEngine.Collider hitCollider, UnityEngine.Vector3 contactPoint, UnityEngine.Vector3 relativeVelocity) (at <0f37ec7481844df6b7afab13d81c547a>:0)
    KSP.Sim.impl.PartBehavior.HandleCollisionEnter (UnityEngine.Collision c) (at <0f37ec7481844df6b7afab13d81c547a>:0)
    KSP.Sim.impl.PartBehavior.OnCollisionEnter (UnityEngine.Collision c) (at <0f37ec7481844df6b7afab13d81c547a>:0)

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Edited by Anth12
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