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Everything posted by Stephensan

  1. right now actively talking actively showing right now we got the legendary Foonix. suggestions are being made (kinda due to talking at the same time to foonix).. right now iirc he is doing Performance loading times for large single crafts (nothing public) WorldVis (Visual asset and mod development tool for KSP2 ) and other small talk, HDR, Planet color changing.. (nothing public)
  2. I might put this in the suggestions of mod-ideas in ksp 2 modding society., it be nice to be in something like community UI fixes.. It further refine the game but i think the most complicated one will be experiment pop-up.
  3. it makes it funnier that its "redacted" rather than knowing what the user said also it seems t2 doesn't want anything to do with ksp franchise anymore and is selling it, so it isn't a matter of "common sense" they simply don't care.
  4. is it possible that you can make "where my crew capsule" work with TNO, SPARK, KESA/SOLAR? doesn't need to be update to 0.2.2 cause all mods are still 0.2.1 i know i could manually edit it for myself and will take a long time to implement everything, but as of the state of ksp 2, if some people want a slightly better ksp 2 experience there is only those few mods that are still updated to 0.2.1, it might be a while before we see actual modding or wanting of modding the game to 0.2.2.. having those mods tno,spark,kesa working with WMCC would be amazing gameplay experience.
  5. caught another topic lacking drinking water... drink water
  6. Ksp 2 branches finally hit Staging (this is like literally the final step before public release) this can last a while and even change, but might be interesting to post
  7. it is "fixable" but it would require refactoring ksp 1 code, which would require engineers, which costs a considerable amount of money... just like around the amount of the very first initial cost of ksp 2, around 10-20 million dollars in total for proper engineers to "fix" ksp 1 code.. The community can do it themselves but for a proper fixing would require refactoring the code. This would remove most kraken drives, and may improve performance, but will require money to do, unless the community will be willing to do it themselves, without the source code nor help from developer(s). KSP 2 has already done the refactoring, regardless of how bad the game may or may not be, but most players are allergic to hearing that due to its performance issues, and small bugs, as if ksp 1 wasn't in the same boat if it was the same age as ksp 2. it isn't that its not "fixable" its more so putting the time and effort "fixing" the game would not make ksp 1 gain more income nor a larger playerbase for the company that owns ksp, while there is a project that is already mid-development that is getting canned, that has already done the refactoring, and also adding "reasons" to buy it.. which just fixing the code of ksp 1 will not add nor do, be the same exact experience but under the hood its different. That will also break most mods that ksp 1 has and would require modders to even refactor there own code to make it work in this ksp 1 "fixed" code. Then the modders would probably want a modding API to help make there mods easier to make. It will be the same case that ksp 2 is dealing with right now. "i already can get pretty much the same exact experience here on ksp 1". and little to no purchases will be made, because the push to something that is worse in some hands, but much better in the other hands is to much..
  8. yup, refixing would pretty much mean do what ksp 2 did without adding anything visually or mechaniclly
  9. unless im missing something anarchist is soft locked from the start, if a pod costs 600$ but you only start with 500$.
  10. Stephensan


    drink water moment truly caught someone lacking drinking water.
  11. ill put my two cents here i expect that they don't want to lose anything on ROI, and they want at least 50-100 mil for the title of ksp franchise with intellectual property/code. for "lost source of income of ksp 1/2" to get all the ROI back etc. at bare, i doubt they want to come out losing on this project so it either sell or not.
  12. ok let me be honest it is totally, og fr, now HERE ME OUT, its on god, for real for REAL this time on god, its nate fault.. (this is satire) also thank you for posting this much better than what i did and actually makes sense.
  13. POV, now hear me out when game launches poorly almost nothing runs on it, it gets mass hate due to the "game being unplayable and nothing that we was promised" perception of it being as bad since launch still looms in the air when it has had a lot of fixing and is in state that would be considered a "playable state" nearly 1000+ bugs have been fixed to make it to a almost complete playable state besides a few large bugs, and smaller bugs FS! came out and gave users a near parity of science of another game but in its own game form Communication is slow, development cycle slowed down compared to last year and no new bug updates since the last one just nearly after FS! Players start to leave due to no bug updates nor content update, and the communication slowly going to a suffocation silence the company that is paying for devs does a warn on the same state and location saying 70 people will lose there jobs (same amount from IG) no communication ahem from the ig TO THIS DAY STILL ZERO COMMUNICATION either due to being on a gag order, or not having information Game gets massive downvoted tell people to run away due to game being canceled vs Returning KSP 1 players that played ksp 1 before ksp 2/ksp 1 players that just play ksp 1 never played ksp 2 and (i told you so) it.. crazy that its low. almost as if one had a rocky start and the other one is 10~ years old
  14. its not about worth not for me at all. its about experinece of the game as a whole, modded, unmodded, it's about long term playing if the game crashes or misbehaves, even if we gave the game crashing 4 times in one day, its anywhere between 28 minutes to 80 minutes of waiting just for the game to load.. Its a matter of at what point does waiting for a game turn into a chore waiting for the game itself to be ready even on high end hardware for new users, even it its 4 minutes its 16 minutes i doubt if anyone had to wait 20 minutes to turn on a car, unlock there phone screen, turn on their computer, use any electronics at all, it would be acceptable, even if we crunch it down to 7 minutes. (talking about the car one is different between actually warming up the car vs turning on the car).. the old ksp 1 players will always (this includes me with the old) heck just older users for gaming in general will never see an issue for loading times cause we are acclimated, since that is what we dealt with, but new players will try play ksp we dealt with IDE harddrives all the way to m.2 ssd's and computer parts that was flagship 10 year ago is now beyond below budget range parts. or even cpu's Intel Core i7-4790K, even a R5-3600 is double the performance of the CPU, and that CPU is getting considered bottom barrel new "beginner budget pc" status. the older gamers will never ever see issues for loading times, but newer gamers will, the die hards will always play ksp 1 regardless of loading times, i have stopped due to wanting something better. 291 days.. 9 months 18~ days.. not 365 days, 12 months.
  15. im not arguing but even 7 minutes is extremely long for a game to load, i remember those loading times and it just made me close the game most of the time, i was on a timer to play video games at home so it was a pain to ask parents to load up ksp 2 on my laptop that isn't counted as my "gaming time" cause they lock and put asleep the PC after 10 minutes cause i would take my laptop to play ksp 1 more, or need for speed carbon.
  16. that is honestly 6 minutes and 30 seconds too many at best, with max optimizations. And that is without restarts, any crash requires a restart, or random weird ksp 1 shenanigans that requires restarts depending on rng a entire gaming session can be like half an hour of just waiting for the game to LOAD to the game, let along loading times for rocket(s). i don't even need to compare it to ksp 2. 7 minutes is enough for water to boil to make instant (insert most foods) or even a cup of coffee with a 1500w electric kettle. I'm over ksp 1 load times tbh and if ksp 2 is completely done never to get updated, ksp franchise will fizzler out of my life, a majority childhood playing this game was riddled with loading times for both launching the game and launching crafts due to having a "sub optional" laptop/school computer.. 2024 is here and ksp 1 is trying to be boasted of 7~ minutes load times with much higher end systems with mods just to "be the best ksp 1" there is..... Feel sorry for most people that just glance at the issue of load times, reminds me of the fights about SSD vs HDD and "load times don't matter" when it first came out.
  17. a good reminder for the people reading, take a break and drink water, the story will continue until the truth is out for the public.
  18. i haven't seen a single other user actually show that they lose fps when there is more campaign saves besides me, unless you can provide evidence that proves otherwise without adjusting any hardware settings.. i have been asking around for others to test it and they don't see a difference.. its strange that only one user seeing this issue is a problem and even QA team(s) cannot see/find the same issue.. for me keep it clean until there is more evidence shown... the only thing that the bug report shows that EVERYONE universally has is a longer "hang" time when loading all the saves. i doubt most people have 7.65gb or nearly 15,000 files (and at the time i reported the bug around 7.5k~) in the campaign page.. since day ONE of ksp 2 being out for the public. Easy, the game was pushed out a year to early and the state from 0.1.0 was appalling to 99.9999999% of the gaming community, most if not all ksp 1 modders wrote a post (lost into the forums as of now trying to find it) saying they will not be modding the game until they get official modding API support AND the game is post 1.0, or out of early access. A complete 180 from ksp 1, just simply due to the release of early access and the state it was "in".. People that try to compare ksp 1 to 2 is missing the point that even during the early stages of ksp 1 there was modding support and everyone cared for it, even if the game was "janky" at times, that's why there is still a LOT of ways to make "kraken" drives. comparing ksp 1 vs 2, almost all of them "well i can just mod it the way i want" for ksp 1, ksp 2 doesn't get such a luxury that ksp 1, it is expected for ksp 2 to be full complete out of EA with modding API support before old ksp 1 modders will even attempt (even then some still say no) to start modding ksp 2, as if that stopped them modding ksp 1..(narcissistic tone) a little unfair when ksp 2 has come along way from the state of ksp 2 0.1.0 to 0.2.1 a full year and over 1000+ bugs fixed, with some visuals, and a milestone during that time when... Due to it was promised that it will have it.....Now with a running start of negative hate and a near permanent looming hate around it due to how fast development/communication is. Yes there is mods for ksp 2 , but most are QOL features, just like early days of ksp 1 with some adding new parts, money, size of planets, and entire gameplay reworks for science.... If you read almost everything in discord since day one, watch everything from ksp 2 for information from streams to youtubers, its easy to conclude that ksp 2 team wasn't ready to push out the game in the state it came out last year but more so forced to, "what about the videos they state that they couldn't stop playing and its so much fun" when a company pays tens of thousands to hundred of thousands of dollars in marketing they want the game sound the absolute best and heck was even possible it wasn't suppose to come out in this state, almost as if the videos was produced before the game was completed due to a large company is behind it.. The community didn't want the game out until it was ready, but you really would know who wanted ksp 2 be out? T2, they see that the project has been in there hands for 2-3~ years and hasn't produced a solid game, yeah you CAN make a game that can/could rack up a lot of code/tech debt quite easily, but takes time to make a game, but that is something that ksp 2 was forced to launch in, a state of where most of the code/intresting things that been "promised" needed to be ripped out just so they had a core game that people could "play".. if you looked at LinkedIn back in 2022~ ish there was only like 45-30 members working on ksp 2, even if every single one of those is a engineer/coding, doing a game in 2-3 years is just simply not possible in the state it was in, even if there is/was assets before t2 made IG and "deleted" star theory, you can look at the videos and stuff that there was a shift of how ksp 2 should be, and could see that ksp 2 before IG was just going to be ksp 1+ visual upgrades and no DLC's.. that's it, IG changed it to something much larger, and much more interesting, and the greed of a public company with stocks greed took over. even if the star theory team "is/was" IG.. it really doesn't matter what i say, peoples views are different. i just really wonder how the game would have been if they waited a year. i doubt the team would have been fired right now, and if someone didn't know zero development from 2023 and past, would probably think its a game to stick, but one way or another ksp 2 was released in the state it was, if it was either from t2 wanting the game pushed out for money or IG ambition. Im just as frustrated that development, communication and games release is slow hard and rocky, but it didn't stop me from playing for 1200 hours before science. anyway enough gaslighting onto me, so i prove my views onto someone else. drink water, stay hydrated, and best of all, more water is more hydration.
  19. also i was summoned due to feeling like someone was about to use me as an issue, its a bug that anth has tested but hasn't proved, there is rumors that others have the same issue but it isn't no more than a suggestion other than me (I'm able to find phantom bugs that don't exist but actually exist for me)
  20. most of the time not really but from what ksp 2 team has said the crafts need everything active for resources, and improvements have been made but is still WIP, still in EA. only if there was actual modders to actively mod the game from ksp 1 so we could have visual mods (almost no one wants to mod ksp 2) with how limited ksp 2 mods are, yes you can pretty much mod it with all current version mods you can do that, nearly instantly. and little to no issues besides 1-2 mods that are poorly made. I'm up to 84 different saves working, just lower fps for some reason known bug. besides the other over 1,000 bugs that was fixed in one year alone, some are lower priority ain't reading the rest, just adding input.
  21. Well, its worth a shot at least, with the most recent news I have been thinking of actual realistic ways microtransactions could be implemented without directly harming the game with some suggested prices to go along with it.. Also aswell even if they say "no microtransactions" it seems that they need if it if there is rumors that the game is going to be cut, or we will lose developers... As of right now we don't know the situation for ksp 2 and the team.. "unethical" or not if stuff is "cheap" some people will find a use of some things useful while others don't if there was a unethical way to monetize it instead of just being free QOL the game might be better for income.. (problem is t2 launched the game in EA when it was a YEAR away from being anything useful, pretty much destroying the reputation of the game).. Custom Kerbal Creator / Custom Director Kerbal - 5-10$ USD This is a highly requested feature for ksp 2, being able to create customer kerbals, i think if the feature was free it would allow a certain amount of cosmetics but the paid would allow all cosmetics in ksp 2. Custom Director Kerbal, could be a pfp a kerbal that is "the director (which is you btw)" that would be able to interact more "kerbal friendly" compared to just the characters talking to the "screen", this could also be used as PfP for saves or in multiplayer settings you could use your custom director to be the pfp instead of either a custom photo or your steam pfp. This could be a little high, but i think the amount of work that is required to get it running and then making sure it works on multiplayer/ (if) there is more cosmetics it would allow "People to create kerbals of there own imagine" Custom Flag Implementation - 3-5$ USD Quite a few people request this to be a main in-game FEATURE, there is a mod that does this however the mod misbehaves a lot and does the stock flag instead of the custom one, They can be extremely high detailed flags I think they could make it a microtransaction that is cheap enough that almost anyone could buy it but it would not affect the users if they didn't have it, A Few CC's and a lot users could want such a thing in game. I think this shouldn't controlled in the sense of company censoring what photos are and are not allowed. In multiplayer it should be the owner of the server or local server that should be able to "remove" the offending flags and have an outright option to ban users from uploading and using Custom Flags.. Users can have as many as they want and can be limited on multiplayer if the owner so chooses. This will also include adding "parts" to add large flags that wrap around crafts in many sizes, or just straight huge flags that could be lit up by lights, and stock ksp 2 flags can use this for free. Hex Color Editor - 3-5$ USD Cheap easy mod that adds Hex color fine control to the game (Unethical) in my mind and should be free, however using Spicats Suggestion if all UI updates was approved i don't see why this couldn't be a paid feature its cheap at relative cost and would make users VERY happy, while also not breaking the bank, Supporter Pack #1 - 15-25$ USD This would include a "Music Bouns" of 1 additional song for each situation, planet, and ambient noise, The music is one of the key notes that i have found and have seen many others saying its "very good" for the game. This would include a "Banner Around PfP" or Color Change or A Speical Title.. saying that you purchased the supporter pack.. Would include a special flag(s). Be able to put custom crafts in the menu screen(s) We do not know if multiplayer would even have pfp or titles however, i think it would be a cool thing to add. yes this is pretty much try convince to keep intercept games with ALL of there developers with a job, is absolutely silly to think that we will sit down with people getting fired, and only getting corporate talk. These could be microtransactions that keep small amount of income coming to the game to show people might be interested besides the absolute devestion of trust when the game got forced to be released. (perhaps don't launch a game a year to early and then try to can the developers when we are getting remotely close to an actual game cause of your mistakes cause you are down a few million dollars..)
  22. we can assume when they came back from break (around late feburary) they started working hard on colonies. Yes there is foundational work for colonies but we are still 2 months + from even getting close to next update as what we understand from leeks/news of next milestone.. Different people have different jobs blackrack working on clouds is a good thing cause i doubt he has much to do as of right now, and he already has extensive knowledge about making "better clouds", weather, storms etc (i just hope he can cook more make them better than the mod) if we just realistically say that they started in March for colonys they have only worked on it 2~ months so we still have (sadly) 8 months more to go before we hit colony length of work.. but I'm glad to see stuff that the community talked about like clouds not really hitting like what "alpha" showed, and having an experienced person on clouds working on clouds.. i doubt that he wont code it so weather is easier to implement either. then PQS stuff can as a possibility give us more performance depending on how it actually works, its all slow work to next major update.. Remember, Rumor of 200-300 parts is in colonys this isn't a small update compared to Science, we are getting a lot more parts compared to science (9 parts), we have to be getting more missions due to freya, more tech tree lines, a lot more work than just science. I'm hoping that they are trying find ways to make colonies run more performant due to the amount of colony parts that we can use, and even a modest 100~+ part build starts to slow the game into the 30~fps .
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