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  1. The repos are private now cus I will probably cannibalize some of the code for other projects. heres a copy of the license https://github.com/Bit-Studios/sealeopard/blob/master/License
  2. I will be taking them down so no one can use them. keeping them up would only fill Take twos pockets, instead of the people who worked on the game.
  3. Dear fellow KSP2 players, Modders, enthusiasts, and especially the Intercept Games team, The recent news of mass layoffs across Intercept Games, Private Division, and the wider Take-Two family has left me heartbroken and deeply disillusioned. While I understand the complexities of business decisions, these actions are a severe blow to passionate developers and have sent shockwaves through our community. I want to take this moment to express my profound gratitude to the Intercept Games team. Your hard work, dedication, and sheer talent have brought us the framework for an incredible space exploration experience. KSP2's potential shines, and that is a testament to your unwavering commitment. A special thank you goes to @Dakota, whose engagement with the modding community has been instrumental. Your insights, support, and openness to our ideas have fostered a space where creativity and collaboration can truly thrive. While I will still cherish the joy of modding and the unique flavor it adds to the KSP experience, I cannot in good conscience continue to support a project ultimately under the control of Take-Two. Their recent actions feel like a betrayal of the talent and passion that fuels this game, and I cannot remain complicit. The circumstances of my departure leave a bitter taste, but I hold no ill will towards the Intercept Games team. To you, I say - your work is valued, your contributions are immense, and I deeply respect the difficult situation you've been placed in. At the end of June is the final day my mods will be on spacedock. Kind regards, shadowDev
  4. when its sent to the pad is when the funds are deducted. first from the Budget balance and if your budget balance is 0 it then uses your funds. if you are just testing, reverting the flight will give you the money back. (a gui bug shows this not happening, but it does. still working on fixing that bug) The next update 0.0.3 will give a breakdown of both balances. you can see them in the save file at Kerbal Space Program 2\ModSaveData\[your save name]\kapitalism in that folder you will have a list of saves. you will see a key of Budget and one for Funds, they are the 2 balances.
  5. The budget system works like this Every year budget gets reset to (1000 * Budget Multiplier) The budget in the mission refers to the multiplier that gets added to your total budget multiplier. so if you click on kapitalist you start with 5x multiplier aka 1000 * 5 lets say you do a mission with a budget reward of 0.5, that will add 0.5 to the multiplier. you wont see any changes until the next game year when you get your new budget. the total money you see is current years budget + funds the budget system will come more into play in future updates where you balance private company vs government ran org.
  6. You seem to be having some very odd permission issues. As far as I can tell this is not mod related. have you installed any new software recently?
  7. you have a dot at the end of a folder, that will cause it to be inaccessible. will add a fix for that in so dots get removed. do you have the logs for the "Contracts don't get completed" part.
  8. Hi can you send me the mod save data folder. its at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\ModSaveData"
  9. Hi thanks for the bug report. I will try to get this fixed ASAP
  10. just go with the default options. none of that really matters. the best place to get help will be on the ksp2 modding discord
  11. Do you know what mods you had loaded so I can test to see if I can replicate and then fix.
  12. Kapitalism 0.0.2 Added: New Kapitalism stats menu Rewards for collecting science Notifications on fund and budget updates Spend count in OAB Updated: Save system now tracks based on games save Moved Money into the stats menu Bugfixes: Money duplication glitch from missions being marked as done multiple times On save revert would not revert money
  13. Hi Science icons in the mission control I have looked into and not seen any way to do it. I will get it to work its just not high on the list. 0.0.2 will have a cost summary in the OAB. and on a 0.1.x update will have it broken down per stage.
  14. Hi it looks like I messed up a configuration. uninstall and reinstall and it should work
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