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easy to build those wings, attach one to the other, then detach the first pair, attach the wing root wing, reattach pair.

I\'ve built a slightly smaller version with only 8 tanks, flies like a dream with Advanced SAS and goes a fair distance with the C7 engine.

See challenge threads for details of my own attempt. This coming from someone who hasn\'t the first clue about craft file editing etc.

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Record achievement for me.

The space shuttle sort of mock, the XMS-9 \'Cosmos\'.

If you\'re exceptionally good at handling you can get this into space. It doesn\'t need a booster stage, but when I got into space most of the fuel was gone. It can land with skids or \'chutes. Either works.

EDIT: Uses C7 v2.1, SIDR and Derp Co.

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Used C-7, sunday punch, and the attached mini winglets. I think that is all I used. If it doesn\'t work let me know and I\'ll see what I missed.

I can\'t get it to work, it briefly flashes onscreen but goes back to a blank design. I have Sunday Punch\'s pack, the winglet included in your post, and have tried C7\'s v2.1, v2.0, and v1.31. Is there something I\'m missing? It looks pretty cool in the video, I\'d like to give it a try.

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Strange. I\'m using C7\'s 2.1 but if that doesn\'t work then it must be something else. I warn you though, if it does manage to load it\'s hard to control.

Maybe the side mounted parachutes? Forgot what pack they came from. I\'ll have a look around for ya.

EDIT: Bingo! It was the Derp Co. pack.


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For whatever reason the Ultralight 8 will have one wing break or snap near the back of the fuselage. Then it\'ll spiral out of control and shit. I nearly managed to land it on one wing though.

If you\'re flying it in 11.1, it\'s because of the changed SAS tunings, most likely. These are fragile beasties and control wobbles can break them, although normal flight shouldn\'t...

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