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Kerbals Navball is Inappropriately Set to Orbit Mode when EVAing on a Planetary Surface.


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Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: I9 CPU Intel | GPU: 3060 6 gb (laptop) | RAM16 GB

When on EVA the navball changes its color pallet to "nightmode"/"space" when even on an atmospheric body like kerbin. These images were taken on Kerbin and to note is my UI is scaled at 95%. I am pretty sure this is a bug but correct me if I am wrong. Images show the UI when in a craft at the same location as when EVA'ing as a kerbal.

Plane Correctly Showing Navball Set to Surface:


Kerbal Incorrectly showing Navball Set to Orbit Instead of Surface:


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