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Freeze when loading 60+ part craft


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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win11 | CPU: i9-13900k | GPU: rtx 4090 | RAMddr5 32gb 6400MHz


when launching a vessel with (to my testing) over 60 parts (i did all testing mk1 and inline) the game freezes the frame it transitions out of the loading screen. 

Adittional notes: i've waited up to 5 minutes, i only tested on launch pad 1, did a complete reinstall because i thought it had to do with mods, build the craft in several new saves from scratch, audio still plays ofter it freezes, cant tab back in the game, windows doesnt detec't it as not responding.2


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