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Grass and other scatter disappear at certain camera angle / zoom


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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Edition Windows 10 Home Version 22H2 Installed on ‎29/‎06/‎2022 OS build 19045.3570 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0 | CPU: CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz Base speed: 3.40 GHz Sockets: 1 Cores: 4 Logical | GPU: GPU 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Driver version: Driver date: 19/10/2023 DirectX | RAMMemory 32.0 GB DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Slots used: 4 of 4 Form factor: DIMM Hardware reserved: 4


Severity: Low

Frequency: Inconsistent, the visual bug happens (or I notice it) 1/7 times. I couldn't reproduce it.

Graphics Quality presets: High, full-screen.

Description: I launched a very simple rocket to discover the different biomes of Kerbin; the video I linked will show the location of the bugged scatter. After landing, I noticed the scatter bug by moving the camera around.


Edited by Spicat
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@Spicat Yes but I recovered the vessel in that location, there should only be a flag that I planted. I also tried to find the exact spot / biome / similar grass type but could not: all I could find was green grass and not yellow-dry grass, and it did not disappear in any camera angle.

Should I send you the save file anyway? Via discord?

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