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'CE' Marker Is Bugged [Deleting a maneuver node can leave a stray "CE" marker on the map]

The Space Peacock

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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-1065G7 | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce MX350 | RAM8GB


A bugged out 'CE' marker appears after cancelling a maneuver. It stays a set distance ahead of the crafts position on its orbital trajectory, and does not scale when zooming in or out.

Steps to Reproduce:

i was not able to reproduce this, but here is what lead up to it happening:

  1.  Vessel on a flyby trajectory around the Mun, still in Kerbin's SOI (CE_marker.json)
  2. Made a maneuver node, dragged it along the orbit to line up with the periapsis around the Mun. 
  3. Added retrograde input until the planned trajectory showed a circular mun orbit
  4. timewarped to maneuver, but deleted maneuver just before exiting timewarp. 
  5. "CE" marker appears and does not go away until a reload

Video Evidence:




Edited by Spicat
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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Wine 9.0-rc3 on Linux | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 | GPU: NVIDIA 3060 Ti | RAM32GB

When deleting a maneuver node, a stray "CE" marker (looking similar to the "+" marker indicating a staging point when a burn crosses multiple stages) can be left on the map.

I'm afraid I don't have a reproducer for this because I don't know under what conditions the "CE" marker appears - I only saw it this one time and wasn't paying close attention when it appeared.

Severity: Low

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