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Craft Spins When Thrust Is Stopped/Not Applied


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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: Community Fixes, Flight Plan, Maneuver Node Controller, K2D2, MapView Focus and Targeting | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 Core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM32 GB


Created a craft (file attached) that happens to have 2 probe cores on it - one for a satellite that will be decoupled once the target orbit is reached, and a second one to control the Hitchhiker Container that will have Kerbals in it to land on a Celestial Body after placement of the satellite.  Prior to launch, I bring up the PAM/PAW and select the top probe core to control the rocket from there.  I launch, and SAS shakes rather violently, but the craft is (mostly) controllable.  However, when the target Ap is set (~100km), I cut the engines to coast to LKO (>70km), and the craft begins to spin.  I have both reaction wheels (one on ever engine on board) and RCS thrusters on the ship; neither is of any help.   Clicking Prograde, Retrograde, or any other SAS direction does nothing; the workaround to time warp to stop the spin also does nothing.  Once I reached LKO, I activated RCS, and the thrusters did not fire.  All RCS thrusters on the rocket outside the fairing at the top are attached directly to individual small RCS tanks, yet there was no RCS applied.

This issue persists regardless of orbital position.  LKO, HKO, orbiting any other body - the craft continues to just spin/wobble with no amount of key presses, RCS, or SAS applied prevents this from happening, nor does it stop it once it starts.

I will fully acknowledge that I am using the (mostly) same building techniques that worked in KSP1, so it is entirely possible that the craft is simply not engineered appropriately.  However, I have not heard of issues with multiple probe cores, or multiple/too many reaction wheels.  And that doesn't take into account that RCS is not firing.


Included Attachments:



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Based on a suggestion from @Spicat, I tested this and turned off unlimited electric charge.  I had ZERO issues with flight.  Or, well, no issues with not holding SAS (my flying skills, on the other hand, leave something to be desired).  The craft veered immediately west upon launch, but I was able to correct it with pitch (S key).  Once I cut the engines when the desired Ap was set (~100km), the craft wobbled slightly, but only to orient itself to head where SAS said prograde was.  Once I hit ~70km, I ejected the fairing and turned on RCS, pointing to the maneuver I set.  Worked like a charm...except there is still an issue with the RCS thrusters at the top of the craft not firing even though they are attached directly to a medium RCS tank that is full of propellant.

I have save files for both before and after launch with UEC turned off, but I have no way of adding them here or to the bug report (unless I just load them to Google drive/docs).  Do you still want to see them?

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