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Tracking Station Folders


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I'm a c# software developer with absolutely zero Unity experience.  Over the last day and a half I've cobbled together a scrappy little mod to add folders to the tracking station.  I wouldn't be able to guarantee a smooth experience or the most optimal of code -  I just wanted to see if there was any interest in the community for this to be released this to the public.






I'd probably want to take a day or two to polish it up, but the main piece of functionality is allowing the player to sort their active missions into collapsible folders with 1 layer of depth.


Side note, if anyone knows of any mods that do this already please let me know - I'm familiar with Haystack Recontinued which doesn't quite do what i want.

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@Rettoph There is a mod that resembles this but it only collapses items per celestial body hierarchy.

Yours is sufficiently different that it's not redundant but it could perhaps do with a toggle system to show or hide folder contents per celestial body hierarchy. I'm sure players might want both these features in one mod.

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