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Rediscovery Redone: A space program from the ashes of another


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An old project of mine, redone in future me style.

The old thread if anyone needs it.

It had been 12 years since the 5th Kerbin War ended and 14 years since the last space program ended.  Kerbals have always had a habit of worldwide conflicts, having fought 5 in the last 100 years. However, the Fourth Kerbin War had been the worst of them all. In the end, the Kermarian Federation won, but at what cost? Retired director of the old Space Program John Kerman brings the old kerbonauts and scientists back together, but with the economy in ruins and decades of work destroyed, will they be able to succeed in bringing Kerbalkind to space for good?

"Complete" Timeline taken from the old thread(mostly)

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Chapter 1: Into Space


"I've always believed that Kerbalkind was meant to be in space." John Kerman chuckled as the rickety car drove onto the "launch pad". The new KSC was a old abandoned airbase once used to test missiles and experimental aircraft. Standing on the launch pad was a small stubby rocket, created out of the fusion of an aircraft fuselage and a missile. "This probe's a mere fraction of what the Roundarians used, y'know? They once put a space station in orbit in a single launch!"


The Orbit-All-Ready was remotely controlled by the equipment in the cabin behind the driver's seat. Hopefully the rocket wouldn't do anything weird. "Nathanael, are all systems ready?" John asked. "I can't tell, these systems are prehistoric. Only thing I can tell is that the rocket hasn't fallen over yet." Nathanael complained. "Whatever, you only live once. Herbrett, start the launch sequence." John began counting down loudly.


"Uh, starting engines, everything looks like it's holding up..."


"Launch clamps released! That sure does fly like a rocket! Just like the good ol' days..."


"Releasing manual control. Starting gravity turn..."


"Staging in a few seconds..."



"John, the probe's flipping!" John pushed Herbrett aside and hit the button reading "Disengage Launch Sequence".


"It's a shame we didn't put reaction wheels on this thing, but I think we got this under control."


"One final push..."


Just like that, the new KSP had placed their first satellite into orbit. Now the only way they could go was up.


Edited by Watermel00n
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Chapter 2: The Ascender

Year 1, Day 29


The new KSP has been planning their next move, and they decided to go big or go home. This is the Ascender Capsule, manufactured by AtomicTech, a major contender in the post-war aerospace sector. While the capsule had been a scrapped project from the old program two decades ago, AtomicTech was able to secure blueprints as well as manufacturing components from the warehouse. The Ascender Capsule can hold two kerbals as well as some basic flight instruments. Before the KSP can launch the capsule to orbit, they first have to test the abort system.


"John, I think it's working!"


"Successful abort system fire! The capsule is still intact."


"Let's just drive to the capsule and check it out."


"I can't see any damage. I think we're good to go!"

Later that evening, John and the growing team of 28 employees held a meeting. "Now that we have a crew capsule, we can attempt to visit whatever the old program left in orbit. The most prominent of these is the Hope Orbital Research Platform. Although the radio equipment used to communicate with the station have long been destroyed, we can try to establish comms to this station. However, we would need to send a crewed vessel to install the equipment within the station." Herbrett blurted, "Why do we have to put the equipment inside the station when we can just attach a utility module to the station on the outside?" Herbrett continued, "We can use those grabbers that you brought to work today, Nathanael. That way, we won't need to worry about whether the station's docking ports still work." John interrupted Herbrett, "Enough talk! Let's get to work!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 3: Grabbers and Dockers

Year 1, Day 67


Almost a month had passed, and the KSC crew were finally ready to launch the prototype Ascender 1 Capsule. Furthermore, they had also been able to recruit some of the old kerbonauts from the old space program. Powered by 2 Swivels and 4 small SRBs on launch, the Ascender Launch Vehicle, dubbed the "Turbo-Yeeter" was easily the largest rocket to launch in the past decade, being nearly twice the height of the largest Kermarian ICBMs. This capsule will be launched unmanned without an abort system to conserve delta-vee.


"Ignition of the Swivels was successful!"


"Clamps away!" Due to the rising news of the new space program, a large crowd had gathered on a tour bus nearby. If anything went wrong, it wouldn't look too good for the space program.




Everything was going well until fairing separation, where one of the clamshells struck the right solar panel of the Ascender Service Module. Luckily, the other solar panel should be sufficient for this mission.


John watched the command screen in apprehension as the capsule began its orbital burn. If the engine failed or the capsule wasn't able to reach orbit, that meant having to drive across hundreds of kilometers of uninhabited terrain.


until the screen lit up: "O R B I T   C O N F I R M E D" Although the rest of the KSC krew were celebrating like mad, John simply thought to himself: " at least this thing reaches orbit." Next, a course was set for HORP.


A few hours later, Ascender 1 arrived at HORP. Now it was time to reveal its secret weapon...


A big pogo klaw stick!


Upon coming into sight of the capsule's cameras, the HORP was revealed to have two intact solar arrays. It also seemed to have some sort of fuel storage module. Regardless, the Ascender capsule maneuvered into position thanks to Siggel Kerman, a shuttle pilot for the old space program. He soon determined where to latch on to...


And the capsule found its mark! Now with a communications system and a compatible docking port, the station should be ready for crewed missions!



The capsule successfully landed in the mountains where a recovery crew was quickly sent out. Luckily, despite the fact that they had to chase away a kougar to stop it damaging the capsule, the capsule was completely intact. Now the only thing to fix was that pesky fairing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 4: Our First Crew


The Ascender 2 is the first Crew Variant of the Ascender Capsule. Featuring a launch escape system, the Ascender 2 has the minimum amount of flair with the lowest possible cost.


Hudman (PLT), a retired Air Force pilot, and Geneson (ENG), the luckiest (or unluckiest) KSC janitor, are assigned for Kerbalkind's first space mission in over a decade, after rushing through the Kerbonaut training.


"Ignition of the Main Engines!"




"Boosters away!"


At 70 km, the main engines ignite once more, jerking the crew back in their seats.



After a minute of apprehension, the Ascender 2 has reached orbit!


The inside of the capsule is extremely cramped, containing only the essentials for the crew.


Before long, Geneson sets a course for HORP, and the service module brings them on a rendezvous trajectory.


A few minutes later, the HORP comes into view.


Being a glorified inflatable tube, the Ascender Adapter Module is structurally questionable at best. Mission Control hopes that it will hold.


"RCS enabled, bringing it in..."  Hudman muttered under his breath.


"Hard dock confirmed!" Mission control breaths a collective sigh of relief, and Hudman and Geneson prepare for their spacewalk to the station.



"This appears to be an airlock module."


Now settled in their new home, the crew prepare for their week long stay in space!

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