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Settings - Input - Pitch: Prompts for inputing new binds are reversed, resulting in opposite of desired binding

Spork Witch

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: BepInEx, Maneuver Node Controller, Node Manager, SpaceWarp, UITK for KSP 2 | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 64-bit | CPU: Ryzen 9 3950x | GPU: Asus ROG Strix RTX3080 | RAM128GB DDR4 3600


In the Input settings, the default keybinds show "W S" for pitch, with a description of "Pitch Forwards and Backwards" (implying W forward and S backward, which is the default)


When remapping, it first prompts for a key to pitch up.  This diverges from the description's language (backwards, not up) and order (forward/down, not up):


Next it prompts for a key to pitch down.  This again diverges from description's language (forwards, not down) and order (backwards/up, not down):


I selected S for the pitch up prompt and W for the pitch down prompt (aligning with defaults), resulting in it now showing as "S W", the opposite of the defaults, and which from the description would imply S is now pitch forward/down and W is pitch backwards/up, the opposite of the default mapping and what I entered:


In flight, it aligns with what you'd expect from that last image, despite choosing S for pitch up, it instead pitches down, and W pitches up.  I checked Yaw and Roll and they do not have any discrepancies.

There is inconsistency in the language and order of entering keybinds for Pitch, which results in a user inputting the opposite of their desired mapping.  Yaw and Roll appear correct, but no other two-key binds were checked.

The simplest solution would be to update the single text field of the description to match what the prompts say and the order they say it.

  • Original text: "Pitch Forwards and Backwards"
  • Suggested new text: "Pitch Up and Down

This has the benefit of changing the fewest numbers of fields, and omits any code/logic changes.  It also uses the same terms in both prompt and description, and matches the order they're presented in the prompts, and needed by current code to display them in proper order once mapped


All mods were installed via CKAN.  Maneuver Node Editor was installed explicitly, the others were auto-installed as prerequisites for it.  I do not believe they'll be relevant, as none modify or use the default keybindings, or the text in the settings screen.  This appears to very simply be an issue with the description string not aligning with the language and order of the prompts the keybind function calls.


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