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Maneuver Plan Burn Timer Inaccurate


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 (Updated Fully) | CPU: i7-1300k | GPU: Gigabyte GeForce O.C. Eagle 3080ti (Updated Fully) | RAM128GB


After reaching orbit, I've discovered when you create a node, tab out of the game and back into the game, if you execute the maneuver node the data displayed in the UI is not accurate. Sometimes a 30 second burn will take 1+ minutes to countdown, the indicator lights (4 Circles), will go through their states despite there still being time on the clock. In addition the staging/burn bar at the bottom of the UI will animate regardless of when you initiate the burn. 

Resolution to the problem is to restart the game, but the issue always returns. Nodes are effectively useless and I've had to resort to "Eyeballing" it.

Edited by The Space Peacock
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I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but yeah, there are some inconsistencies here with the burn bar.  Sometimes the dots do not line up with the burn bar.  Do I follow the dots or the burn bar?  Sometimes the burn bar turns red from the left side.  Sometimes there is no burn bar at all.  If I can narrow it down, I'll post more details.

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On 12/22/2023 at 3:27 PM, larsonco said:

To me it seems like the burn timer occurs at the wrong time.  I believe it's supposed to start halfway before the maneuver plan,  but the burn timer doesn't seem to start until you reach the maneuver node

I think you're right, once I started doing burns like in KSP1 my orbits would align more with the predicted trajectory from the burn timer. The burn timer is a nice idea but I dont think its working at the moment. for example: limiting the thrust on your main engine doesnt affect the burn timer at all so I stopped using it altogether :').

On 12/22/2023 at 4:12 PM, The Space Peacock said:

the dots have been known to turn green a second too early. as for all the other stuff, the timer can just be a bit of a buggy mess sometimes

I don't think it has to do with the dots turning green too early. It's probably as larsonco said, the burn countdown should start before the actual node, not when it's on the node exactly. Then again I have no clue if this is intended and if it's only happening to me. 

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