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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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  Mihara said:
With the way it's currently impractical to generate a kethane resource deposit in a given location, resetting deposits would mean screwing up a save with two bases.

I'm spending more time attempting to recover my saves than actually continuing them, and this is getting mighty tiring.

If you could decipher the map blocks in the save file you could drop some Kethane anywhere you want on any planet or moon. I noticed the Sun has zero but there's a map block for Jool. What good is Kethane on a planet that has no solid surface to land on?

What you should be able to do is copy the Kethane map data to a text file then paste it into a new save file to preserve your deposit locations.

A graphic Kethane editor that works outside the game would be very nice. I'd move the existing deposits on Kerbin that are under water to the nearest land. Got a big one offshore south of KSC I'd like to scoot northwards a bit. 'Course having Kethane mining ROUV's would add a lot to the game.

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  Mihara said:
With the way it's currently impractical to generate a kethane resource deposit in a given location, resetting deposits would mean screwing up a save with two bases.

I'm spending more time attempting to recover my saves than actually continuing them, and this is getting mighty tiring.

If I recall correctly, the current version of Kethane has a debug option to "spawn" a deposit right underneath the active vessel, allowing you the following possibilities:

- If you have an existing Kethane "base", switch to it in flight scene, go into Map View and spawn a deposit under said base.

- If you want to put a deposit in a specific location (e.g. near an anomaly), you could build a very simple self-container lander probe/rover, Hyperedit it to land softly at the desired spot, and again use the debug option to spawn a deposit. You can then terminate that sacrificial lander probe/rover and the new deposit will still be there.

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  Galane said:
If you could decipher the map blocks in the save file you could drop some Kethane anywhere you want on any planet or moon.

Actually, not quite, or at least, not as far as I can see without digging into the source to get a more complete understanding of the algorithm. Map block data stored in the save file, as of this version, only keeps track of the tiles you have scanned. (And it does this by encoding a bit mask in base64 or something very close.) Deposit locations and sizes are produced mathematically from a seed number selected when kethane plugin first loads in a save file. The amounts of a resource contained in a deposit are stored separately, and drilling a deposit drains every tile in the entire deposit.

As a result, you can alter the amount of kethane in a given cell, but you cannot introduce kethane into a cell that does not have it, without changing whether every other cell also contains kethane or not -- you can do it by repeatedly selecting a different seed number until there's a seed that results in a deposit underneath a specific cell. What happens to the rest of the map is essentially random. You can also duplicate deposit positions from one save file in another save file, but you cannot directly edit cells at all.

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  sumghai said:
If I recall correctly, the current version of Kethane has a debug option to "spawn" a deposit right underneath the active vessel

There was a debug part a few versions ago. That no longer works since the transition to persistence file data storage, or at least didn't work the last time I tried it. If there's still such an option anywhere, I'd have to look in the source to find it, but in the end it would still have to select seeds until one that generates a deposit underneath a specific cell shows up, as far as I can see.

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  Mihara said:
There was a debug part a few versions ago. That no longer works since the transition to persistence file data storage, or at least didn't work the last time I tried it. If there's still such an option anywhere, I'd have to look in the source to find it, but in the end it would still have to select seeds until one that generates a deposit underneath a specific cell shows up, as far as I can see.

Here's what I have for my settings.cfg file (in the Kethane directory):

Debug = True
ScanningSound = True
ShowInMenu = False
ShowOverlay = True
WindowLeft = 29
WindowTop = 89

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The debug functions have changed in 0.8. It's a little less user-friendly, but it's functionally an improvement. There are now buttons for "Reset [body] Data" and "Reset Generator Config". The first is what you want if you're interested in moving deposits because unlike older versions, this will only regenerate deposits on the named celestial body. It also only regenerates deposits for the currently selected resource, so for example, you could regenerate Kethane on the Mun without affecting Kethane anywhere else and without affecting Ore on the Mun.

The second button replaces the generator config in your persistence file with the default configuration for the selected resource. This isn't really useful at the moment, but it could come in handy with multiple resource generators. It has the side effect of resetting body data for every body, so you can use this to quickly refresh all your deposits everywhere. (It will still only reset data for the current resource, however.)

There's no more "generate here" or "refill deposit" options because they don't scale well to other types of resource generators, but I might implement generator-specific debug functions at some point.

[EDIT] It's worth noting that if you change the KethaneResource generator configuration, you won't see the changes reflected in existing persistence files until you use Reset Generator Config. This is because the generator configuration is loaded from the persistence file, and the configuration in KethaneResource is only used to initialize new saves.

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  Majiir said:
There's no more "generate here" or "refill deposit" options because they don't scale well to other types of resource generators, but I might implement generator-specific debug functions at some point.

Darnit - I really liked the "generate here" feature D:

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If you use "Reset [body] Data" does the scanning have to be redone to show the new locations or will it refresh all the hexes that have been scanned, the ones not a capital A in the map blocks in the persistence file?

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  KhaosCorp said:
Why not just mine it from the water? Easy to do with KAS.

Because that's yet another mod to add and take up memory space. Even with the Squad textures redux it's real tight on space on this XP box with only 2gig RAM. I assume a 64bit OS with lots of RAM so the KSP process can have the full amount addressable by a 32bit program would work quite a bit better.

Love the terrain conformal map, makes it much easier to target hexes around the edges of deposits where with the floating map it was possible for a parallax error to get the landing target outside the hex with kethane.

Edited by Galane
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Is anyone else having problems downloading from the link on the first page? Using Chrome it gives me a "This webpage is not available" page. Using IE 10 I get a "This page can't be displayed" error and right-clicking on the link & choosing 'save target as...' I get a "Kethane-0.8.zip couldn't be downloaded" error. I'd try using Firefox but after using Chrome & IE I'm pretty sure it's not a browser issue.

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  Galane said:
If you use "Reset [body] Data" does the scanning have to be redone to show the new locations or will it refresh all the hexes that have been scanned, the ones not a capital A in the map blocks in the persistence file?

Scan data is unaffected by the debugger. The cells already scanned will update to reflect the new deposit locations. The debugger isn't meant to be part of normal gameplay, so it's okay if it's a little cheaty. I make extensive use of it during development, and I'm sure it's handy when you just want to tinker.

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  Max Q said:
Is anyone else having problems downloading from the link on the first page? Using Chrome it gives me a "This webpage is not available" page. Using IE 10 I get a "This page can't be displayed" error and right-clicking on the link & choosing 'save target as...' I get a "Kethane-0.8.zip couldn't be downloaded" error. I'd try using Firefox but after using Chrome & IE I'm pretty sure it's not a browser issue.

Disable your AV briefly

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  TomatoSoup said:
Is it not possible that the least standards-compliant browser might have trouble displaying webpages?

When the last few pages have contained many people reporting the exact same problem with the fix being the antivirus, no its not very likely that IE has anything to do with it. Keep your nerdrage in check and use it when its appropriate.

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  forsaken1111 said:
When the last few pages have contained many people reporting the exact same problem with the fix being the antivirus, no its not very likely that IE has anything to do with it. Keep your nerdrage in check and use it when its appropriate.

I'm not sure where you're seeing nerd rage. I only see you making fun of someone who (correctly) points out that IE is, historically, the slowest, least compliant, and easiest to exploit browser.

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I've got a problem with the new version. It never appeared in previeos versions of Kethane and KSP.

The big drilling unit is constantly deploying and retracting infinitely, both in editor mode and on a controlled vehicle. The deploy/retract button changes its state written in the text box, but not the real state.

By the way, have you ever thought of adding some kethane just under KSC by default so that we could test our designs?

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