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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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  thomson said:
This mod is being reported as incompatible with 0.90. There's a warning message during game loading (complains twice: once about 0.90 compatibility and then second time about incompatibility with Unity 4.5.5f1). It partially works, though. I can see the hexagonal overlay over Kerbin.

Same here!!!

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Good news, everyone!

I managed to tweak Kethane and recompile it for 0.90. I confirm that it is indeed working. I was able to scan, extract and convert kethane into fuel. I did not test it extensively, so it may still be broken.

Steps to run Kethane 0.9.2 on KSP 0.90.

1. Download Kethane 0.9.2 and install as usual.

2. Download this library: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qufce6eeold7739/Kethane.dll?dl=0 and place it in [KSP_install]/GameData/Kethane/Plugins (there will be the original Kethane.dll that does not work, replace it).

Note that I'm not taking over this mod, not joining maintainers team etc. I merely rebuilt it for my own benefit and when it worked, I thought that others may find it useful. I'm sure that Majiir will release proper version soon.

The following license applies: Kethane-LICENSE

Edited by thomson
Link to license added.
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  thomson said:
Good news, everyone!

I managed to tweak Kethane and recompile it for 0.90. I confirm that it is indeed working. I was able to scan, extract and convert kethane into fuel. I did not test it extensively, so it may still be broken.

Steps to run Kethane 0.9.2 on KSP 0.90.

1. Download Kethane 0.9.2 and install as usual.

2. Download this library: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qufce6eeold7739/Kethane.dll?dl=0 and place it in [KSP_install]/GameData/Kethane/Plugins (there will be the original Kethane.dll that does not work, replace it).

Note that I'm not taking over this mod, not joining maintainers team etc. I merely rebuilt it for my own benefit and when it worked, I thought that others may find it useful. I'm sure that Majiir will release proper version soon.

Thanks for doing this it does seem to be working I as well haven't extensively tested it but at least no errors and it's scanning...

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  thomson said:
Good news, everyone!

I managed to tweak Kethane and recompile it for 0.90. I confirm that it is indeed working. I was able to scan, extract and convert kethane into fuel. I did not test it extensively, so it may still be broken.

Steps to run Kethane 0.9.2 on KSP 0.90.

1. Download Kethane 0.9.2 and install as usual.

2. Download this library: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qufce6eeold7739/Kethane.dll?dl=0 and place it in [KSP_install]/GameData/Kethane/Plugins (there will be the original Kethane.dll that does not work, replace it).

Note that I'm not taking over this mod, not joining maintainers team etc. I merely rebuilt it for my own benefit and when it worked, I thought that others may find it useful. I'm sure that Majiir will release proper version soon.

Guessing this is against the license that Majirr has.

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  Jivaii said:
Guessing this is against the license that Majirr has.

I'm afraid guessing is not sufficient. Please point to a specific license term that was violated or stop implying unsubstantiated claims. In my opinion, this is a classic 2-clause BSD license. It clearly allows derived works to be distributed.

Perhaps you were referring to the fact that the license was not clearly marked? If that is so, I updated my original post with a link to Majiir's license.

If that makes anyone happy, I'll remove the file as soon as either maintainers release updated kethane version or someone points to specific point in the license that such a file violates.

Now, can we leave the boring legalese stuff behind and get back to space exploration, please?

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  thomson said:
I'm afraid guessing is not sufficient. Please point to a specific license term that was violated or stop implying unsubstantiated claims. In my opinion, this is a classic 2-clause BSD license. It clearly allows derived works to be distributed.

Perhaps you were referring to the fact that the license was not clearly marked? If that is so, I updated my original post with a link to Majiir's license.

If that makes anyone happy, I'll remove the file as soon as either maintainers release updated kethane version or someone points to specific point in the license that such a file violates.

Now, can we leave the boring legalese stuff behind and get back to space exploration, please?

You're both right, it techincally broke the licence rules but it's a minor issue.

The license says you have to include "Copyright � Majiir 2012-2014 All rights reserved." plus a little blurb to 'redistribute and use' the file, modified or original. I.e. you have to package it with a .txt file that contains... well, the contents of the Kethane-LICENSE.txt file basically.

  Licence file said:
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice [this is the copyright Majir bit], this list of conditions [speaks for itself] and the following disclaimer in the documentation [i.e. the rest of the .txt file] and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

No biggie, just make it a .zip with both files rather than the single and everyone's happy. Hell, by editing your post where you 'distribute' the dropbox link to include the licence you've covered it, no need for a re-upload... I think. It'd be cool to respect the copyright process to that extent; the mod authors go to the trouble of setting a copyright notice up after all.

  thomson said:
Now, can we leave the boring legalese stuff behind and get back to space exploration, please?

Good plan!

And thanks for fixing up Kethane :)

Niggle: I'm not getting the Kethane grid view button; i.e. I can't hide the Kethane overlay [edit: nevermind, can open the interface in the Tracking Station, then it stays in the map, works fine with that little workaround].

Edited by TurielD
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Strange, in 0.90 the patched Kethane.dll gets me booted up without errors and I can scan and drill for Kethane fine, but I can't convert it to fuel or oxidizer. I'm able to activate the converter but no propellants show up in the attached tanks (and yes, I have the tanks connected right; this rig worked fine in 0.25). Any ideas?

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Alas, thanks for confirming. I was afraid that was the case.

I sure hope Kethane isn't an abandoned mod. I have whole cities on the Mun and Minmus dedicated to Kethane drilling (and presumably seedy Kerbal vices, like any good oil boomtown, but we don't need to go into that).

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I notice that you named the resource kethane, no doubt for the real-world biological compound methane. However, I have done some research in the matter and, assuming the kerbal space program uses liquid hydrogen + liquid oxygen fuels and hydrazine as a mono-propellant, I would say that kethane is closer to nitromethane, chemical equation


Make of this information what you will, I doubt such matters crossed your mind as you created this altogether rather useful mod.

Edited by andy662
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  thomson said:
Good news, everyone!

I managed to tweak Kethane and recompile it for 0.90. I confirm that it is indeed working. I was able to scan, extract and convert kethane into fuel. I did not test it extensively, so it may still be broken.

Steps to run Kethane 0.9.2 on KSP 0.90.

1. Download Kethane 0.9.2 and install as usual.

2. Download this library: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qufce6eeold7739/Kethane.dll?dl=0 and place it in [KSP_install]/GameData/Kethane/Plugins (there will be the original Kethane.dll that does not work, replace it).

Note that I'm not taking over this mod, not joining maintainers team etc. I merely rebuilt it for my own benefit and when it worked, I thought that others may find it useful. I'm sure that Majiir will release proper version soon.

The following license applies: Kethane-LICENSE

Has anyone had this work for them in the 64 bit linux version?

ETA: Turns out it was mostly working, just not showing the map overlay. When launching a new ship, there's no overlay, but if you switch to the space center and back to the ship (even while it's still on the launchpad), the overlay returns.

Edited by phunk
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  phunk said:
Has anyone had this work for them in the 64 bit linux version?

ETA: Turns out it was mostly working, just not showing the map overlay. When launching a new ship, there's no overlay, but if you switch to the space center and back to the ship (even while it's still on the launchpad), the overlay returns.

But are you able to actually convert kethane to fuel?

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It's perfectly alright for thomson to release the modified DLL. He's correct that Kethane itself is released under a classic BSD 2-Clause license.

As for me, I'm preoccupied with other things, so I'm hands-off right now. It seems the community is taking care of things just fine. When I get a moment, I'll be happy to accept a pull request and rebuild for a proper release.

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  phunk said:
Yup, drilling and converting both work fine.

Thanks for checking. I hope I'm not one of the unlucky ones Kethane isn't going to work for anymore. Maybe it's a conflict with one of the five other mods I use; I feel a whole lot of testing coming on this weekend.

BTW, my converter isn't part of the stack with the fuel tanks. They're connected (correctly) with fuel ducts. Don't know if that makes a diff.

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Will there be an update for Beta v.90? I cant move the current version to my tree I dont think; I probly could and just redo the tree after the patch though...Does the current versin work without any major bugs/crashes? I use 32bit KSP.


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I remember that with my version of Kethane.dll, kethan to fuel and oxygen conversion worked fine on a ship that I built in 0.25 and loaded in 0.90.

Oh, I also recall a strange off by one error. My engine had 2880 capacity, but the kethane converter could only fill in 2879. As I said before, that was a very quick testing, so maybe there are easy to discover workarounds. Or it may be broken in other ways.

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