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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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  PringleMan said:
step 1: Build a probe with a kethane detector to find fields. Put it into an inclined orbit so that it scans the surface in a sinusoidal pattern on the map.

step 2: Build a lander with a kethane tank and a converter (or not on the converter, whatever) and a drill, send it to the field

step 3: Harvest the Kethane and do whatever you want with it

Step 4: Profit

Hi thnx for it but:

1. i did make a probe with a kethane detector, but im still noob so i dont know what an inclined orbit is and i dont know what sinusoidal is.

2. it wont be hard to build a lander with a kethane tank and a converter and a drill, but how do i know where kethane is with only using the map of the kethane detector.

sry for my bad english but i hope that you know what i mean.

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  LegyPlegy said:
Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums, and I have a small grasp on KSP. I've finally refined my knowledge of Delta-V, (wish I had found flight engineer before studying all of the equations and such ._.) TWR, piloting and such to where I've built a launcher that can successfully (and quite easily, actually, with plenty of fuel left over in the last stage) put a satellite/lander in orbit with the Mun.

Now, my question is this; Does the orientation of the space craft affect the overall quality of the scanner? I currently have a satellite (below) orbiting the mun and scanning for kethane. Does the scanner have to be pointed at the surface? And if so, how can I do that? The satellite for some reason always moves away from where I've aimed it, and this makes it a pain to keep it pointed at the surface.


Also, my satellite scanner only shows me a small 1 pixel line, though, instead of a large map. Is this intended, or do I have to go down to the surface and scan there for a better map?

Thanks for your input, and please keep working on this great mod! Very useful and overall fun to use :)

Also, does Kethane weigh the same as liquid fuel? I don't see any stats on the weight, and the fuel tanks ingame are obviously empty, so I just want to know now before I facepalm afterwards on the Mun... :P

Here's my old (KSP 0.19) - Minmus Kethane detection map.


Along with the ISA map of Minmus. (Had both scanner's on same probe).


The probes were on a Polor orbit.

Edited by bear67
spell check
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  LegyPlegy said:
Also, does Kethane weigh the same as liquid fuel? I don't see any stats on the weight, and the fuel tanks ingame are obviously empty, so I just want to know now before I facepalm afterwards on the Mun... :P

It doesn't, actually, at least with the current version. The in-game units are only roughly correlated to mass in the first place, they're units of volume, and there's some disagreement as to which units they are. Kethane is converted to other fuels based on the density of the liquid in question, and that density is what goes into calculating mass. With the current version, if you use a large converter and convert kethane to liquid fuel while in flight, you will find the ship's mass slightly increasing as you do that. :)

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Kethane is 2 kg/L, that's somewhere in the update log. And fuel/LOX is 5kg/L, that's from the wiki, or just from looking at the fuel tank capacity and the total mass.

So the biggest kethane tank, which holds 16000 units of kethane should have a mass of 32 tons plus the dry mass.

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Hello from a bit of a newbie!

I have installed the mod and harvested kethane and converted and used it on a single lander and it works great. My question is, is there a way to transfer kethane or converted fuel form one vehicle to another? This would be a surface transfer, not in-orbit. I'm sure there is some mod out there somewhere, but being a bit of a newbie I'm not sure which one will be compatible with the Kethane Mod. It's probably mentioned in the previous eight plus pages, but I wouldn't be sure if it's compatible with 0.20 as well. Any help would be appreciated:)

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  jztemple said:
Hello from a bit of a newbie!

I have installed the mod and harvested kethane and converted and used it on a single lander and it works great. My question is, is there a way to transfer kethane or converted fuel form one vehicle to another? This would be a surface transfer, not in-orbit. I'm sure there is some mod out there somewhere, but being a bit of a newbie I'm not sure which one will be compatible with the Kethane Mod. It's probably mentioned in the previous eight plus pages, but I wouldn't be sure if it's compatible with 0.20 as well. Any help would be appreciated:)

Anything docked can transfer fuel. you could either put docking ports on each vehicle, or look at KAS mod.

KAS is Kerbal Attachment System

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  KhaosCorp said:
Anything docked can transfer fuel. you could either put docking ports on each vehicle, or look at KAS mod.

KAS is Kerbal Attachment System

Appreciate the quick reply. I had seen KAS before, but I didn't look at it deep enough to see that it was a resource transfer mod as well. Thanks for the info!

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  themanwhocrys2 said:
Which version of the Kethane mod is for KSP version 0.20.0?

The latest version of Kethane only supports 0.20.2. No version was made for 0.20.0 support.

[EDIT] It's possible that 0.4.4 supports 0.20.0, but I would just upgrade to KSP 0.20.2.

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For your viewing pleasure:


The UberScan-o-Tron 5000 and its loop-d-loop Minmus orbit!


This is NOT my actual scanning rig, just messin around. This is also a very bad inclination to scan from, but actually kind of hard to pull this orbit off. Ive only ever been able to on very small bodies.

The map you see was done on x10,000 time warp. The scanners can run at x1000 time warp with ZERO loss in per pass resolution.

It sure was a wobbly accent though...

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  KhaosCorp said:
For your viewing pleasure:


The UberScan-o-Tron 5000 and its loop-d-loop Minmus orbit!


This is NOT my actual scanning rig, just messin around. This is also a very bad inclination to scan from, but actually kind of hard to pull this orbit off. Ive only ever been able to on very small bodies.

The map you see was done on x10,000 time warp. The scanners can run at x1000 time warp with ZERO loss in per pass resolution.

It sure was a wobbly accent though...

You don't have enough scanners; I can still see the solar panels.

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This is my 3rd attempt and 2nd design at a Munar Rover driller. I forgot/destroyed during the ascent my scanner, one of the wheels is slanted, and the third problem is quite obvious.


*sigh* I am not a smart man ._.

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I'm not sure how no one has noticed/commented on Majiir's latest addition(only 4 days ago so maybe that's how) to the Kethane mining arsenal but I must say it is pretty efficient!

Ever find that your Kethane supplies are running low on Kerbal? All you need to is ask one of your brave Kerman to make a noble sacrifice...


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The 0.6 alpha with multiple resources support has been sent to the maintainers of the Extraplanetary Launchpads and Orbital Construction mods. If you're interested in testing it for use with your mod, send me a PM.

I had a little trouble with a memory leak, but for the most part, development of multi-resources was fairly smooth; it only took a couple days. I think it's basically done and just needs a few tests and bug fixes. I'm going to start looking into the electrical generator that Keptin modeled and see if it's ready to use in-game. After that, I'll tackle the particle effects module, and by then 0.6 should be ready for release.

The roadmap for 0.7 isn't completely locked down, but there are two options. The first is to work again on the geodesic grid for the map view, replacing the current scan UI. The second would be to work on shipping multiple resources with Kethane, but that might require more parts, and it's not obvious how to make new resources immediately useful without installing other mods.

So, that's where we're at now. Stay tuned for more news!

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I am going to now update my Kethane pack, but I want to like that video on youtube so bad (the very first post), but...-ratings disabled!- I can't like it hard enough!

...Doesn't help that watching it, and all I can think of is


I also want that version of the song it uses too.....err, the one in the first post...

Edited by Ryusho
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How do I transfer kethane from my rover to my lander? My lander has the converter and is the main storage for kethane, and the rover goes out and collects kethane to store back in the ship. The problem is that the clamp-o-tron is on the top of the lander, and is practically impossible for me to get back onto. I can provide a pic if needed... but I've already spammed this thread with previous pictures XD

Also, this is the first time I've actually mined kethane, so I'm quite proud! c: (although that doesn't mean anything if I can't convert it ._.)

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  LegyPlegy said:
How do I transfer kethane from my rover to my lander? My lander has the converter and is the main storage for kethane, and the rover goes out and collects kethane to store back in the ship. The problem is that the clamp-o-tron is on the top of the lander, and is practically impossible for me to get back onto. I can provide a pic if needed... but I've already spammed this thread with previous pictures XD

Also, this is the first time I've actually mined kethane, so I'm quite proud! c: (although that doesn't mean anything if I can't convert it ._.)

Look into getting KAS mod, it really makes that aspect of mining ops very simple.

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  LegyPlegy said:
This is my 3rd attempt and 2nd design at a Munar Rover driller. I forgot/destroyed during the ascent my scanner, one of the wheels is slanted, and the third problem is quite obvious.


*sigh* I am not a smart man ._.

dude, I did the same thing on my drop tanks Mk 1. That is the reason there are now Mk 2

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Hi guys. I had a little issue that made the Kethane mod unplayable, but got it taken care of. Let me share what happened and the fix in case anyone else faces this.

The problem was when I had the small survey scanner on a rocket and clicked launch, I would get a view of space with no rocket to control. Effectively I could not launch. Removing the scanner gave me the launch pad, so it came to the scanner.

What seems to have caused this is by using the Kerbal mod manager. It seems to have no installed correctly. Why do I conclude it was the mod manager? Because when I removed what the manager did and installed the mod manually (as if that's hard to do in the first place), everything now works just fine.

So there you have it. To anyone out there who gets to see space at launch, just reinstall the mod outside of the manager!

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