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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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  Majiir said:
I profiled the mouseover routine (specifically, the part that converts a screen coordinate to a hex cell) and improved performance by a factor of 25. This should nicely resolve the stuttering issues some have observed. On my machine (i7-3770) the old routine peaked around 1.05ms per frame, and the new one runs in 0.04ms. The game only has one or two dozen milliseconds to render a frame, so a whole millisecond is a bit much for that routine, and lower-end hardware will have been spending even more time than that.

Please provide your KSP/KSP_data/output_log.txt file. I can't do much without it.

I PMed you the link.

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  Majiir said:
I profiled the mouseover routine (specifically, the part that converts a screen coordinate to a hex cell) and improved performance by a factor of 25. This should nicely resolve the stuttering issues some have observed. On my machine (i7-3770) the old routine peaked around 1.05ms per frame, and the new one runs in 0.04ms. The game only has one or two dozen milliseconds to render a frame, so a whole millisecond is a bit much for that routine, and lower-end hardware will have been spending even more time than that.

Can we expect a 0.7.3 or will this go into 0.8? :)

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  Arrowstar said:
Can we expect a 0.7.3 or will this go into 0.8? :)

There will be a 0.7.3. So far, that's all that's in it. The following also may or may not make it in:

  • Further cleaning up the UI, possibly with a side/top bar button.
  • Third-party modding API enhancements, including the ability to collect water.
  • Grid shader improvements, particularly for improving visibility of the planet surface in daylight and visibility of both the surface and the grid itself in shadow.
  • Particle effect tweaks for performance while maintaining visual fidelity. (It's easy to improve performance by making them look like crap, but that's no fun.)
  • Miscellaneous part improvements and balancing.

I have no idea which (if any) of those will make it into 0.7.3. Some might get pushed to a 0.7.4 or to 0.8. I'm not really sure what the update schedule will look like or what coming updates will focus on. (Unfortunately, I don't have any half-finished code hanging around like I did for the grid. Gotta start something new!) I'm now quite happy with Kethane from a gameplay perspective, but I'm not satisfied with the flexibility of the code or the level of polish.

If Keptin decided to model again, that might change my direction. So, you know, let him know if you see him. :wink:

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  Majiir said:
There will be a 0.7.3. So far, that's all that's in it. The following also may or may not make it in:

  • Further cleaning up the UI, possibly with a side/top bar button.
  • Third-party modding API enhancements, including the ability to collect water.
  • Grid shader improvements, particularly for improving visibility of the planet surface in daylight and visibility of both the surface and the grid itself in shadow.
  • Particle effect tweaks for performance while maintaining visual fidelity. (It's easy to improve performance by making them look like crap, but that's no fun.)
  • Miscellaneous part improvements and balancing.

I have no idea which (if any) of those will make it into 0.7.3. Some might get pushed to a 0.7.4 or to 0.8. I'm not really sure what the update schedule will look like or what coming updates will focus on. (Unfortunately, I don't have any half-finished code hanging around like I did for the grid. Gotta start something new!) I'm now quite happy with Kethane from a gameplay perspective, but I'm not satisfied with the flexibility of the code or the level of polish.

If Keptin decided to model again, that might change my direction. So, you know, let him know if you see him. :wink:

Got it. Those improvements sound really wonderful. :) Would you consider adding multiple converter resource recipes to a future 0.8? Of course, I don't know how tough this would be, but it's effectively the only thing stopping me from adding all sorts of new resources to go searching for (because I need a reason to look for them). :)

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  Arrowstar said:
Got it. Those improvements sound really wonderful. :) Would you consider adding multiple converter resource recipes to a future 0.8? Of course, I don't know how tough this would be, but it's effectively the only thing stopping me from adding all sorts of new resources to go searching for (because I need a reason to look for them). :)

0.8, sure. I'm also now playing with something I had on the backburner and had forgotten about. More on that in a little bit...

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If kethane is already being converted into liquid fuel and oxidizer what is water going to be used for? Is this to mix with life support mods? Or just another way to make fuel than Kethane? Useful on Laythe. I guess you could suck air (if there is O2 in it) to make oxidizer too with the right equipment. I know, the HOME mod makes fuel and oxidizer from air, of whatever variety. That's a little OP for me, but it would be nice to make stuff from air. CO2 for life support scrubbers on Duna, refill air tanks & Oxidizer tanks on Kerbin or Laythe (does Eve have Oxygen in the air? I forget), make air, oxidizer and maybe hydrogen (for whichever mods use it) from water on Laythe and Kerbin.

Keep up the good work Majiir, this mod is looking better and better all the time.

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I noticed something odd a few minutes ago when I was filling up. The map only updates when on rails, i.e. if you're sitting at 1-4x with drills out, the quantity listed in a hex will not change. However, as soon as you go to 5x or higher, it will continually show the changing amount in the deposit.

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  misanthropia66 said:
I have no settings.cfg in my GameData\Kethane\ folder. I made one with those lines, but no effect.



It should be generated the first time you run KSP with Kethane installed. Delete the one you made, launch KSP and see if it makes one. The full cfg on my system looks like this:

ShowInMenu = False
ScanningSound = True
ShowOverlay = False
WindowLeft = 1123
WindowTop = 581

There's a blank line following the last key (although I don't believe that's important because it's just a keypair file). TBH I don't see why it wouldn't work just using the lines from my previous post unless you're not using the most recent version. I would personally try just deleting the settings.cfg you hand made, launch KSP, make a ship (command pod + kethane scanner), launch, end flight, go to the tracking center, close ksp and modify the settings.cfg that should be generated.

Not entirely sure when it generates the file thus the launch/tracking station junk above but that should cover all configurable lines that would need to be initialized at any given point (position x2, detection sound, show overlay toggle).

Edited by neurotoxin
forgot how to english
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I have located the option in game to remove the hex display, however nothing that removes the hexgrid from Kerbin in the main menu/title screen.

I can`t understand why it`s there to begin with... can that be removed?


Also I suggest setting the default of the hex display to off, rather than on. I open my map maybe 0.5% of the time to look at kethane, and the other 99.5% of the time for unrelated activities, and it would seem a default setting of off is more appropriate, but that is a subjective opinion.

Kill the hex on the title screen is a direct request though :) If I can disable myself I would appreciate anyone sharing with me how

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  soranno said:
I have located the option in game to remove the hex display, however nothing that removes the hexgrid from Kerbin in the main menu/title screen.

I can`t understand why it`s there to begin with... can that be removed?


Also I suggest setting the default of the hex display to off, rather than on. I open my map maybe 0.5% of the time to look at kethane, and the other 99.5% of the time for unrelated activities, and it would seem a default setting of off is more appropriate, but that is a subjective opinion.

Kill the hex on the title screen is a direct request though :) If I can disable myself I would appreciate anyone sharing with me how

See my post directly above yours. Specifically locate GameData/Kethane/settings.cfg and add the line "ShowInMenu = False" without quotation marks.

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Small drill (radial mounted) got some lenght change somewhere between 0.5 and 0.7? I tested my mining rover, drills went in the ground, white rcs-like fume went in the air. Now I landed on Minmus, triumphantly deploy drills and... They go only a little into the ground, tanks don't fill, no smoke, white nor green...

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Although I don't think there was a mention of the change it would be reasonable to assume that the smaller drill would be shorter than the bigger one. Can you post a screenshot of your rover while its drilling and a picture of the map view showing your on a deposit?

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  HoY said:
Although I don't think there was a mention of the change it would be reasonable to assume that the smaller drill would be shorter than the bigger one. Can you post a screenshot of your rover while its drilling and a picture of the map view showing your on a deposit?
I mean shorter than smaller drill earlier was. Craft looks like this:


When I tested this craft way back in 0.5 it definitely went deeper, and there was white smoke.

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Is there a chance that later down the road that we won't have to sit with the satellite selected as it circles the body in order to scan for deposits. I feel that once the satellite is placed in orbit that it should still update the info even if i'm not watching it. Unless I'm missing something, and so if I am plz point it out.

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  Xasperator said:
Is there a chance that later down the road that we won't have to sit with the satellite selected as it circles the body in order to scan for deposits. I feel that once the satellite is placed in orbit that it should still update the info even if i'm not watching it. Unless I'm missing something, and so if I am plz point it out.

The game won't allow it as best as I know. When a ship is past 2.5km in distance from what you're actively flying it puts those other ships on rails. It unloads their models any active functions are suspended. So mapping sats either Kethane or ISA need to be your active ship. Your best option is to start the game up before you go to bed and fly the mapping sat you want to function and let it run at X50 speed while you sleep. That will usually map most of if not a entire body in just a few hours.

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  HGGundamReviews said:
The game won't allow it as best as I know. When a ship is past 2.5km in distance from what you're actively flying it puts those other ships on rails. It unloads their models any active functions are suspended. So mapping sats either Kethane or ISA need to be your active ship. Your best option is to start the game up before you go to bed and fly the mapping sat you want to function and let it run at X50 speed while you sleep. That will usually map most of if not a entire body in just a few hours.

Or you could build your satellites to map at x1000 and just be done with mapping in 10-20min depending on planet/moon.

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  KhaosCorp said:
Or you could build your satellites to map at x1000 and just be done with mapping in 10-20min depending on planet/moon.

How do you do that, though? What does the satellite have to do with how fast it maps?

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  HGGundamReviews said:
The game won't allow it as best as I know. When a ship is past 2.5km in distance from what you're actively flying it puts those other ships on rails. It unloads their models any active functions are suspended...

Could it just record when and where it was when unloaded, then when reloaded evaluate where it had flown over while on rails and fill in the data. Would that be possible?

  KhaosCorp said:
Or you could build your satellites to map at x1000 and just be done with mapping in 10-20min depending on planet/moon.

Scanning becomes intermittent at 50x (at least for my computer)

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