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Craft Spawns In VAB Floor/Ground After Revert To VAB


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows 10 | CPU: i7 | GPU: 2080ti | RAM16gb


I was building a spaceplane with a rocket strapped to its back  via AD-25 couplers and testing it on the runway. When I go back to VAB, the plane loads incorrectly with all parts under the floor of the VAB, and I am unable to interact with the plane. Re-loading does not fix the issue, and reverting to a prior save does not either.

Severity: High - because losing the time spent on a build is terrible, and I an unable to recover this space plane. I would liken it to a corrupted save file.

Frequency: Always, for this craft file. I do not know how to recreate the issue from a blank slate. I think it may be something to do with space planes having a rocket meant to separate because there are other issues with spaceplane crafts that I do not encounter with rocket crafts. I was having a great amount of trouble ensuring I controlled the rocket portion of the craft and not the plane portion of the craft when I decouple the rocket from the back of the space plane. Additionally, it seems impossible to have two control vessels on the same craft that can separate in a stage. When I decouple the craft such that the rocket separates from the plane, each with their own control vessel, it does not allow me to switch between the separated crafts - it always lost track of one of them.


Included Attachments:




Craft picture before being unusable:


Edited by Spicat
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An other cause of this was fixed with

The save file provided here is unfortunately after the bug happens so can't really reproduce it.

So if anyone have a craft file of this bug happening before the bug happens (so the craft is not already in the ground and you can make it happen again), do a new bug report with it and we will merge it into this bug report. It will help a ton!

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recently ran into a similar issue with a craft that had 2 subassemblies placed on decouplers in mirror symmetry, offset a distance from the main assembly. it could have something to do with placing subassemblies that have parts in symmetry in symmetry themselves, or it could just be the offset that causes issues.

Samurai Squadron.json

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