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Delta Pigeon


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After 0.10 introduced articulating fins, I finally decided it was time I tried to make a spaceplane, so I grabbed C7's latest pack and set to work.

I started with C7's example orbiter, but quickly decided it was too difficult to control on account of having no rudder. Adding a rudder on the top causes any attempts to yaw to actually roll you, and in the wrong direction to boot, so that was out. I settled on a vaguely-TIE-fighter-ish design, with two inward-swept stabilizers with rudders on them attached to small SRBs on the tips of the main wings. Thanks to the ridiculously-overpowered mini fuel tank in C7's pack (which seems strange given that the other fuel tanks in the pack, and the engine, are all relatively balanced), it is able to make orbit with fuel to spare for deorbiting and precision landing. Thanks to this, not only was the first flight of the Delta Pigeon my first non-parachute landing from orbit, it was also my first successful return to the pad after completing an orbit! (I did just miss the airstrip, though.) I had to make a few tweaks of the landing gear on account of the lower stabilizers hitting the ground BEFORE the landing gear on my first landing, causing a worrisome explosion, but it should be fixed now. Not that I actually TESTED it or anything...

Required packs: C7 aerospace 1.2, Wobbly Rockets (sunday punch) 1.9, SIDR&SD 1.2


On the pad:


In orbit:


Landing (old design, note the missing lower stabilizers):


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Very nicely done. I admire anyone that can land (because all of my rockets have too much POWWWWWEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!.) Even better that you got to orbit AND back to land safely.

Landing is easy,and reliable (in kerbal terms, 'Hey, this time it didn't break!'). But you practically NEED a joystick.

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