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No way to navigate to Mun (Minmus, etc.) signal [Signals cant be targeted on the Navball]


Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Wine 9.0-rc3 on Linux | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 | GPU: NVIDIA 3060 Ti | RAM32GB


The missions which ask the player to visit a specific location (like Munar Signal or Bad Signal) indicate the target location with an icon in map view and (when close enough) in flight view, but provide no way to navigate to that location other than eyeballing it. KSP1, by contrast, allowed the player to "Activate Navigation" to a waypoint set by a contract. This is particularly a problem when trying to land close to the monument (to collect extra science or just reduce EVA time), because the player will generally be in flight mode, but the icon will not be displayed until the vehicle is sufficiently close, so the player is essentially "flying blind" for part of the approach.

Severity: Medium

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start an Exploration campaign, and advance to the Munar Signal mission.
  2. Launch a vehicle and put it in Munar orbit.
  3. Enter map view.
  4. Left- or right-click on the icon indicating the signal location, and observe the result.

Expected behavior: A menu is shown allowing the player to target the signal location in some manner (Set Target, Activate Navigation, etc).

Observed behavior: Nothing happens.

Edited by The Space Peacock
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