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VAB bug, that could be better implemented as a QOL Screenshot feature

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I suppose I'll start this post similar to a bug report, so those reading it can understand what exactly I'm talking about, there is graphical bug in the VAB caused by an interaction with Hiding the HUD with F2 and Orthographic Mode(Blueprint Mode, BP Mode), the steps to reproduce are as follows:

Enter VAB
Load/Build Craft
Enter Blueprint Mode View
Hide HUD
Drag Camera

Following these steps will cause an unexpected behavior, originally posted here, allowing blueprint mode's background to exist outside of blueprint mode, and unloading the VAB until the HUD is reenabled and blueprint mode is activated and deactivated again. I use this behavior to take some pretty interesting screenshots of my craft, some will be attached at the bottom of this post. Rather than report this as a bug, which in fairness it is, I've come to the feedback forum to say that I like this behavior, and, rather than see it removed I would like it improved. Perhaps inside BP Mode there can be an additional UI button that makes the background persist, maybe "Screenshot Mode". In order for this to work, however, some elements of this behavior must be improved, as if you move the camera too far from the angle at which you initiated BP Mode the view you get is... less than desirable, as seen below.
image.png?ex=65ae2665&is=659bb165&hm=60f228143d96864f527c156f91416d14984983ef29b73be5fb0cecd1c7e66d62& (Image Courtesy of Anth)

I think if the Orthographic/Blueprint background followed the camera in this proposed "Screenshot Mode", or any other method to enable this behavior to act in a more desirable way, players would be able to take screenshots of their craft with this interesting backdrop without being locked into the 2D, face on view Orthographic Mode currently makes use of, without exploiting a bug.

Some screenshots of craft utilizing this bug I find interesting, or aesthetically pleasing:



Edited by PilotWasHere
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