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Closest approach points disappear when they get close

Anonymous Bug Reporter

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x | GPU: Pny RTX 3080 | RAM48GB


When creating a maneuver node for an orbital transfer the closest approach markers disappear when they get really close. So as you alter the dV or move the maneuver node, the closest approach markers get closer and closer in the orbit and then disappear. If I keep going they then reappear. It makes if very difficult to do an accurate transfer.

Edited by Spicat
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Just throwing my support in for this one, since I can replicate it. This is really annoying, and happens to me regardless of what I'm attempting to intercept.

The issue isn't just with the approach markers:  When those actually do appear, they often block inclination indicators for targeted orbiting bodies, which just disappear and reappear when they feel like it.

As all of these markers move around, their connecting lines also criss-cross each other and overlap other markers at random when planning a maneuver or actually perform one. It all makes for a really visually confusing, non-usable mess.

Not that it helps, but my specs are:

Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x | GPU: EVGA RTX 3090Ti | RAM: 32GB

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Same issue trying to setup an encounter with Gilly from Eve orbit: never actually got an intercept line until I actually hit the SOI.

Seemed like I could get closest intercept until it predicted the SOI change, then failed to switch to the SOI entry mode.

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