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I first heard about the game from the XKCD reference and downloaded the demo a few weeks ago. Played it until I landed (by which I mean stranded with no hope of rescue) a pod of Kerbals on the Mun and just bought the full version last week.

I have ten successful missions in two programs under my belt so far. I keep detailed mission logs and screenshots but so far my highlight accomplishments have been:

-4 Munar landings and EVAs with single-Kerbal pods, two of which flew safely back to Kerbin

-1 Minmus landing and EVA and safe return to Kerbal with a single Kerbal

-Kerbin orbit rendezvous of two 3-Kerbal ships (hardest accomplishment to date)

-Simultaneous 3-Kerbal EVA in Kerbin orbit

-EVA transfer of 2 Kerbals from one ship to another in Kerbin orbit

-3 Munar landings and returns to Kerbin with 3-Kerbal landers, including precision landings at my previous sites to rescue the two previously stranded Kerbals

Next mission will probably be a 3-Kerbin flight to land and return from Minmus to further refine my ability to fly to a body in an inclined orbit, after which I'll try a Duna-orbit mission (my current vehicle is intentionally overpowered for Mun/Minmus missions and should have the delta-V to get there and back).

This game is ridiculously addictive and really makes one appreciate what the people and nations who have done this stuff for real went through. I'm avoiding mods so far and trying to do things the "old-fashioned" way. We'll see how we'll that works for a trans-Duna injection burn :confused:

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I do have a couple questions:

How does one set up a signature for forum posts? I swear I went through all the profile options and didn't see how to do this.

Apparently any debris (expended stages, etc.) left in orbit are continuously tracked by the game. Does this hurt performance? Do I need to build "missiles" to destroy my expended stages? My current rocket design has its booster stage crash on Kerbin and its second stage has enough delta-V to crash at the destination, but I have a lot of parts from earlier designs orbiting Kerbin, and if I use my current lander design for orbital rendezvous missions I end up ejecting six radial fuel tanks per flight into orbit. Any way around this?

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Once you reach 5 posts you'll be promoted to Bottle Rocketeer and will allow you to do things like add a signature from the Settings link top right.

Debris can accumulate to a point where they will bog down a computer. There is a setting in the options that allows you to set the maximum amount of debris the game will keep and track. You can set this to zero, save your game, load the game then set the debris back to a value acceptable for you.

Try downloading some of the rocket designs people have posted for ideas on how to build better rockets.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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Is there anything useful to be done with space debris? In other words is there a reason to leave it on? It's not slowing down my computer yet but it gets in the way on the map screen.

Also, would turning it off affect the two landers I have on the Mun since I brought their crews home?

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Is there anything useful to be done with space debris? In other words is there a reason to leave it on? It's not slowing down my computer yet but it gets in the way on the map screen.

Also, would turning it off affect the two landers I have on the Mun since I brought their crews home?

To answer your first question there is really nothing to be done with debris unless you feel like getting the RemoteTech mod or want to rendezvous/dock with it.

In answer to your second question, I don't know. Take a look at the Tracking Station on the Mun view and see if your landers are classed as debris.


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