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Suggestion To Improve Science Gathering ( Please Give Opinions)

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I’ve seen a lot of talks about the science gathering in the For Science update. From what I can see, the discourse comes mostly from the science gathering feeling less personal than it did in KSP1. This of course is from the fact that now we only have to press one button and then all the science is done at once without us having to look at each part and feel like we are the ones doing the science and not just a robot that knows how to do this all.


Many have suggested that we just go back to the way it was done in KSP1 where you have to select each individual science part to do the science. I however, feel like that is not the solution to this problem because there was obvious frustration with that system as well, and it would be foolish to say it is not convenient to have the ability to do science so simply. 


I would like to propose a solution to the science collection debate. I would suggest that the science button on the left side of the screen does not instantly do all of the science experiments available, but instead opens a special menu (maybe combined with the science results menu) that would have all of the science modules sorted with buttons to do each experiment. Kind of a special parts menu where you get to feel like you are the one in control. It keeps the simplicity and convenience of not having to find each and every part but also lets you feel the personal connection to the Kerbals doing the experiment.


I think this change would achieve all that the audience is wanting from the gameplay of taking science while also improving on KSP1’s method. I hope I was able to explain that well, I am not good at UI design so I can’t make any photos to explain.

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