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Stop jumping to the center of 'new' vessel after staging.

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Good morning - Im hoping this ask can be implemented.  Please find a way to stop the camera / view from jumping after staging.  I realize that it is jumping to the center of the 'new' craft.  But it is jarring and annoying.  Instead have the camera / view slowly move to the new center.

Thanks for your time.

Edited by DaveLChgo
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The problem with that is that the camera centers on the center of mass, you can see this when you manage fuel to different tanks in a spacecraft, they probably could find a way to make the camera transition anyways even when the center of mass change is sudden like with a decoupler. 

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Yes that was how KSP1 worked as well, it centered on the center of mass.  But it did not suffer from the same staging affliction.   Understand Im not complaining about why its recentering,  Im suggesting that the recentering could be done better by being a smooth recenter instead of a jump.

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