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RCS wrecks my game.

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I use CKAN to install a lot of mods and I have been streaming my latest campaign on my youtube channel but I have hit a brick wall.

RCS breaks my game and makes it completely unplayable. I have made a video of the problem.

I tried making a fresh install and reinstalling all the mods. I googled to see what I could find and when I found waterfall caused a problem with RCS I removed it and still had the same problem. I cannot progress as I need RCS thrusters to be able to effectively dock and I don't want to lose a campaign I have streamed for about 30 hours now.

If anyone can provide help on this matter that would be GREATLY appreciated. I have been trying to figure this out for hours.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Here is a list of mods installed.

ALCOR Adopted (ALCOR 1.0.1)

All Y'All (AllYAll 1:0.11.21)

ASET Consolidated Agency (ASETAgency v2.0.2)

ASET Consolidated Avionics Pack (ASETAvionics v3.0.1)

ASET Consolidated Props Pack (ASETProps v2.0.7)

Astrogator (Astrogator v1.0.0)

Background Resources (BackgroundResources 1:v0.18.0.0)

Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1)

BurstAtomicThrustModule (BurstAtomicThrust

Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)

ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:

CommNet Relays (ContractConfigurator-CommNetRelays v2.1.0)

Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit v112.0.1)

Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack v112.0.1)

Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.4)

Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator v2.9.2.0)

Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2:

Contract Pack: Tourism Plus (ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2)

Corvus CF (Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod 2:1.3.7)

Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit

Dang It! Continued (DangItContinued 1:

DE_IVAExtension (DE-IVAExtension v1.2.0)

DeepFreeze Continued... (DeepFreeze V0.31.0.0)

Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 1.3.1)

Distant Object Enhancement /L (DistantObject v2.1.1.16)

Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2.1.1.16)

Docking Cam (DockingCamKURS

Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator

Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 2:

Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.3)

Extraplanetary Launchpads (ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads

Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.17)

Harmony 2 (Harmony2

Hot Spot (HotSpot 0.9.0)

JSI Advanced Transparent Pods (JSIAdvancedTransparentPods V0.1.24.0)

Kaboom! (BOOM) by rushnash37 (Kaboom

Kerbal Actuators (KerbalActuators v1.8.5)

Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.12)

Kerbal Changelog (KerbalChangelog v1.4.2)

Kerbal Dust Experiment (KDEX v2.0.2)

Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux

Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.29)

Kerbal Krash System (KerbalKrashSystem 2:v0.5.1)

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems v1.6.16)

Kerbalism (Kerbalism 3.19)

Kerbalism - Default Config (Kerbalism-Config-Default 3.19)

Kerbalism System Heat (Kerbalism-SystemHeat 0.5.0)

Komplexity (Komplexity

Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er (KopernicusExpansionContinueder Beta9.1.1)

Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er Stock Configs (KopernicusExpansionContinueder-StockConfigs Beta9.1.1)

Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-199)

kOS Astrogator (kOS-Astrogator v0.2.2)

kOS KerbalEngineer (kOS-KerbalEngineer v0.1.1)

kOS: Scriptable Autopilot System (kOS 1:

kOSPropMonitor-Adopted (kOSPropMonitor 1.7.3)

KSA IVA Upgrade (KSAIVAUpgrade v1.6.7)


KSP Community Fixes (KSPCommunityFixes 1.35.2)

KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.5.0.0)

Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1)

Mk1 Lander Can IVA Replacement by ASET (Mk1LanderCanIVAReplbyASET v2.0.1)

MK1-2 IVA Replacement by ASET (MK12PodIVAReplacementbyASET 1:v2.0.1)

Modular Computer Package Revived (ModularComputerPackageRevived 2.0.1)

ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator

Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.3)

Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 1.2.3)

Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.7.1)

Near Future Rovers (NFR) by V2 Industries by MichaelV2.0 (RoverPack

Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 1.3.2)

OhScrap (OhScrap

OrbitalColony (OrbitalColony 1:

Parallax (Parallax 2.0.6)

Parallax - Stock Planet Textures (Parallax-StockTextures 2.0.0)

Parallax - Stock Scatter Textures (Parallax-StockScatterTextures 2.0.1)

PlanetShine (PlanetShine

PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default

Probe Control Room Recontrolled (ProbeControlRoomRecontrolled 1.4.0)

RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.31.13.4)

RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.31.13.4)

RealChute Parachute Systems (RealChute v1.4.8.3)

REPOSoftTech-Agencies (REPOSoftTech-Agencies V1.5.9.0)

ResearchBodies (ResearchBodies 2:V1.13.0)

ReStock (ReStock 1.4.3)

ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.3)

Rocket Sound Enhancement (RocketSoundEnhancement 0.9.11)

Rocket Sound Enhancement - Default (RocketSoundEnhancement-Config-Default 1.3.0)

SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4)

SCANsat mission pack (ContractConfigurator-SCANsat 1.0.3)

Scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0838)

Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0838)

Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0838)

ScrapYard (ScrapYard

Shaddy (Shaddy v2.5)

Signal Delay (SignalDelay v0.2.11)

Solar Panel Degradation (SolarPanelDegradation 1.0.1)

SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary

SpaceY Heavy Lifters (SYL) by NecroBones (SpaceY-Lifters 1:

StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.9.7)

Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (StationPartsExpansion 0.5.3)

System Heat (SystemHeat 0.6.0)

System Heat - Nuclear Engine Configuration (SystemHeat-FissionEngines 0.6.0)

System Heat - Nuclear Reactor Configuration (SystemHeat-FissionReactors 0.6.0)

System Heat - Resource Converter Configuration (SystemHeat-Converters 0.6.0)

System Heat - Resource Harvester Configuration (SystemHeat-Harvesters 0.6.0)

TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v4.5.3)

Textures Unlimited (TexturesUnlimited

ToadicusToolsContinued (ToadicusToolsContinued

Toolbar (Toolbar 1:

Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:

Universal Storage II Finalized (UniversalStorage2

Vessel Viewer Continued (VesselView 2:0.8.9)

VesselView-UI-RasterPropMonitor (VesselView-UI-RasterPropMonitor 1:0.8.9)

VOID unVoided (VOID

Waterfall - Restock (WaterfallRestock 0.2.3)

Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.9.0)

WaypointManager (WaypointManager

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New Modlist used.

ALCOR Adopted (ALCOR 1.0.1)

Animated Decouplers (AnimatedDecouplers v1.5.0)

ASET Consolidated Agency (ASETAgency v2.0.2)

ASET Consolidated Avionics Pack (ASETAvionics v3.0.1)

ASET Consolidated Props Pack (ASETProps v2.0.7)

Astrogator (Astrogator v1.0.0)

Background Resources (BackgroundResources 1:v0.18.0.0)

Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1)

Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)

Chatterer Extended (ChattererExtended 0.6.2)

ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:

CommNet Antennas Extension (CommNetAntennasExtension 2.1.7)

CommNet Relays (ContractConfigurator-CommNetRelays v2.1.0)

Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit v112.0.1)

Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack v112.0.1)

Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.4)

Connected Living Space (ConnectedLivingSpace v2.0.2.0)

Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator v2.9.2.0)

Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2:

Contract Pack: Clever Sats (ContractConfigurator-CleverSats 1.4)

Contract Pack: Exploration Plus (ContractConfigurator-ExplorationPlus 2.0.1)

Contract Pack: Field Research (ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.2.2)

Contract Pack: Tourism Plus (ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2)

Corvus CF (Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod 2:1.3.7)

Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit

Dang It! Continued (DangItContinued 1:

DE_IVAExtension (DE-IVAExtension v1.2.0)

Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 1.3.1)

Distant Object Enhancement /L (DistantObject v2.1.1.16)

Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2.1.1.16)

Docking Cam (DockingCamKURS

Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 2:

Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.3)

Extraplanetary Launchpads (ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads

Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.17)

Harmony 2 (Harmony2

Heat Control (HeatControl 0.6.1)

Kaboom! (BOOM) by rushnash37 (Kaboom

Kerbal Actuators (KerbalActuators v1.8.5)

Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.12)

Kerbal Changelog (KerbalChangelog v1.4.2)

Kerbal Dust Experiment (KDEX v2.0.2)

Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux

Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.29)

Kerbalism (Kerbalism 3.19)

Kerbalism - Default Config (Kerbalism-Config-Default 3.19)

Kerbalism System Heat (Kerbalism-SystemHeat 0.5.0)

Komplexity (Komplexity

Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-199)

kOS Astrogator (kOS-Astrogator v0.2.2)

kOS KerbalEngineer (kOS-KerbalEngineer v0.1.1)

kOS-Career (kOS-Career


KSA IVA Upgrade (KSAIVAUpgrade v1.6.7)

KSP Community Fixes (KSPCommunityFixes 1.35.2)

KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.5.0.0)

Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1)

Modular Computer Package Revived (ModularComputerPackageRevived 2.0.1)

ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator

Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.3)

Near Future Aeronautics (NearFutureAeronautics 2.1.1)

Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 1.2.3)

Near Future Electrical - Decaying RTGs (NearFutureElectrical-DecayingRTGs 1.2.3)

Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 1.2.3)

Near Future Exploration (NearFutureExploration 1.1.2)

Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.7.1)

Near Future Propulsion (NearFuturePropulsion 1.3.5)

Near Future Propulsion - Xenon Hall Effect Thrusters (NearFuturePropulsion-XenonHETs 1.3.5)

Near Future Rovers (NFR) by V2 Industries by MichaelV2.0 (RoverPack

Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 1.3.2)

Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 1.3.2)

Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 1.4.3)

Near Future Spacecraft - LFO Engines (NearFutureSpacecraft-OrbitalLFOEngines 1.4.3)

OhScrap (OhScrap

OrbitalColony (OrbitalColony 1:

Parallax (Parallax 2.0.6)

Parallax - Stock Planet Textures (Parallax-StockTextures 2.0.0)

Parallax - Stock Scatter Textures (Parallax-StockScatterTextures 2.0.1)

PlanetShine (PlanetShine

PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default

Probe Control Room Recontrolled (ProbeControlRoomRecontrolled 1.4.0)

RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.31.13.4)

RealChute Parachute Systems (RealChute v1.4.8.3)

RemoteTech Redev Antennas (RemoteTechRedevAntennas 0.1.1)

ReStock (ReStock 1.4.3)

ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.3)

Rocket Sound Enhancement (RocketSoundEnhancement 0.9.11)

Rocket Sound Enhancement - Default (RocketSoundEnhancement-Config-Default 1.3.0)

Scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0838)

Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0838)

Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0838)

ScrapYard (ScrapYard

Solar Panel Degradation (SolarPanelDegradation 1.0.1)

SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary

SpaceY Heavy Lifters (SYL) by NecroBones (SpaceY-Lifters 1:

StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.9.7)

Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux (StationPartsExpansionRedux 2.0.10)

Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux - Internal Spaces (StationPartsExpansionRedux-IVAs 2.0.10)

System Heat (SystemHeat 0.6.0)

System Heat - Nuclear Engine Configuration (SystemHeat-FissionEngines 0.6.0)

System Heat - Nuclear Reactor Configuration (SystemHeat-FissionReactors 0.6.0)

System Heat - Resource Converter Configuration (SystemHeat-Converters 0.6.0)

System Heat - Resource Harvester Configuration (SystemHeat-Harvesters 0.6.0)

ToadicusToolsContinued (ToadicusToolsContinued

Toolbar (Toolbar 1:

Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:

Universal Storage II Finalized (UniversalStorage2

Vessel Viewer Continued (VesselView 2:0.8.9)

VesselView-UI-RasterPropMonitor (VesselView-UI-RasterPropMonitor 1:0.8.9)

VOID unVoided (VOID

Waterfall - Restock (WaterfallRestock 0.2.3)

Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.9.0)

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